MemeLogic - Higher Taxes WTF

in #funny7 years ago


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Why Would Anyone Want This?

We are constantly reminded by those in support of big government, like the media and celebrities, about how terrible capitalism is and that there should be higher taxes on the rich.

They do know that they are referring to themselves right? These are the same people who are so excessively wealthy due only to capitalism, but want to scream from their podiums about how you shouldn't do as they have. This entire ideology stems from years and years of constant propaganda from the government. You know those people known as politicians, who are dependant on your stolen tax money to live these lavish life styles.

Let me clarify in case you misunderstand me, I have no problem with how much money they have made, and in now way want the government to take any of their money. Even if I somehow can benefit from the government taking their money. They worked for it and they should have the choice to do with it that which they choose.

"If taxation without consent is robbery, the United States government has never had, has not now, and is never likely to have, a single honest dollar in its treasury. If taxation without consent is not robbery, then any band of robbers have only to declare themselves a government, and all their robberies are legalised." - Lysander Spooner

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"Government spending is taxation. When you look at this, I've never heard of a poor person spending himself into prosperity; let alone I've never heard of a poor person taxing himself into prosperity." - Arthur Laffer

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Above is a classic example of this virtue signalling, Bill Gates and a few others who are of the richest of the rich, have many a time said how they should be paying more tax.

The media then eats this up and uses this to promote this to the masses as some moral benchmark which everyone needs to live by. This is just straight up propaganda to push political narrative. No one is stopping the selfless millionaires from paying double in tax, I'm sure each and every government wouldn't blink to cash that cheque. This is however not the desired intention, it's to make you pay more.

We live in a world were 99% of the world thinks it's completely fine, that a government can and is morally justified in robbing you of half or more than half of what you earn. What will they have achieved in the next 20 years?

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.

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Right now the tax situation is actually going to loosen up as crazy as that sounds. The reason is that government debt is now so high that the tax revenue couldn't possibly pay it off to balance the books. So, we're probably going to see some more cuts in an effort to stimulate things but we're already so far past that point. Not cool but hey, should be interesting!

Its a big problem we suffering now a days in our homeland Pakistan please pray for us God bless us with wise leadership.

We all want Pakistan to come out of these dangers in the grace of Allah.

well in Italy, corporate and employment tax rate is at 50%...imagine that.

Totally Agreed With You SIr (Website Designer , Crypto Master)