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RE: One thing NOT to say to a police officer when he pulls over your buddy for speeding.

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

After a lucrative time in my life as a teenager... (By lucrative, I mean I was really good at selling weed) I once had the cops searching my place. One cop found my box where I kept my cash, I had no product at the time, so they was looking to jam me up for anything they could find.

He takes out my stack of bills (just over five Grand) and says
"If I have drug dogs run over this money are they going to hit on it?"
My reply:
"Of course they are! 97% percent of all US paper currency test positive for the presence of cocaine, 99% of all currency test positive for fecal matter, but I ain't a shit dealer either!"
He said
"Hmm. Guess you're right."
Put my money back, and they left shortly after that with no charges filed.

I think if I had got nervous, and stammered, or showed any fear they would have took my money and me both to the jailhouse...

But I was 18, and convinced I was invincible... And that time, it worked out for me. It doesn't always, but that time it did.