in #funny8 years ago

Greetings loyal followers.

Yesterday I conducted my weekly staff meeting.

Dennis! This is the wrong image! This is from the meeting where I was considering bringing back the black death. Then everyone realized I am the black death.

My executive assistant Vera, who may be the only other competent person in the entire Empire, has been trying to help me to limit the number of people I Force choke each day. Of course she wouldn't have to do this if my boss wasn't such a tool who "ordered" me to to stop killing my underlings. He claims it is bad P.R. Perhaps if he actually hired someone competent besides Vera and I, I wouldn't have to kill Imperial employees all the freaking time.

Whatever. The order is there and Vera is helping me (she is a real doll you know).

As you should know, in order to help me to break my habit of executing people who clearly deserve it, Vera instituted a "Choke jar" system. It really covers every method of execution but choking is my favorite and also has a nice ring to it.

Well after last week's staff meeting, I ghosted so many dimwits that I nearly went broke. (This will all become moot once the Empire adopts Steem as its official currency... but my jack ass boss is blocking that move... because he's a freaking moron and ruins everything!)

Last week's staff meeting started like every other. The room was filled with incompetent, idiotic nimrods... and me. By the end of it, here is what the room looked like:

Actually I permanently silenced the idiot on the left shortly after this image was produced. I told that dipwad Tarkin to just sit there with his hands on his lap and think about what he did. Luckily for him, he did... or I'd be paying one more fine to the choke jar.

Vera has suggested that instead of eliminating all of the dolts who deserve it, I should vent my anger by sharing this transmission.

Very well. Allow me to begin.

As you know, I am the smartest, strongest, toughest, wisest, handsomest, coolest, most powerful being in the universe. As such, in comparison to me, everyone pretty much sucks (except Vera of course). As a result, when I am in any room, no one is my equal. If you didn't know better, you might think I purposely choose to surround myself with unqualified, incompetent, morons. They are so terrible that one might get the impression that I intentionally surround myself with these halfwits in order to make myself appear better in comparison. Obviously this is absolutely ridiculous. I am so awesome that no matter who is in a room, I am still the smartest, strongest, toughest, wisest, handsomest, coolest, and most powerful being there.

Yesterday's staff meeting was filled with many new members who were needed to replace the last batch of imbeciles. Here they are:

Do you see that empty chair right there? Well it would be filled if that idiot Jeffrey didn't forget the freaking BEAR CLAWS!!!

Starting with me at the 12:00 position (because I am the most important... duh) and proceeding according to your primitive analog clocks, here are the members of the great team who can restore the Empire's prosperity and bring real change to the galaxy:

Cassio Tagge: Head of Army Operations on the Death Star

Moradmin Bast: Chief personal aide to Grand Moff Tarkin (His freaking 1st name even has "admin" in it! That is probably why the Grand Moron picked him.)

Hurst Romodi: Some retired old dude who Tarkin made Operations Chief ( I let Tarkin pick a lot of the stupider positions)

Wulff Yularin: A Cornel in the Imperial Secretary Bureau (no it is not a typing pool). He ensures that the personnel remains totally loyal to the Empire (Tough job. All he has to do is point to me and say "Do you want that guy on your butt?")

Admiral Motti: Chief of the Imperial Navy and overseer of day to day operations on the Death Star

Sweetie Belle: Chief Mess Management Specialist and Minister of Love

Apple Bloom: Chief Maintenance Technician

Scootaloo: Chief Flight Officer

Grand Moff Tarkin: A complete ignoramus with a stupid made up title. He thinks he is in charge of some things. He sucks. Who cares? (Clearly the Emperor's choice.)

Because I am the most amazing being ever, of course I began the meeting. I always start by showing this transmission:

Then I ask, "Do I have your attention?"

Then I laugh!

Of course I have their attention. Look ate me!

In case anyone had forgotten since I reminded them when they walked through the door, I reiterated how amazing I am and all of the progress we have made as an Empire since I became the greatest Sith Lord in the history of time.

After that quick refresher, I proceeded to say,

"When I became Sith Lord, I promised to find and destroy the entire Rebel Alliance. We are of course doing that at a faster pace than anyone could have ever imagined. I have killed more Jedi and destroyed more Rebel bases than anyone else could have possibly done. I have negotiated and strictly adhered to the terms of each of the many bargains I have made. I have been a model of self control and tolerance. I have found each and every enemy who I have sought. No one has ever hidden from me right on my home planet. I have thoroughly protected and ensured that the battle station is 100% indestructible by anyone ever now or in the future. And I have done this while mastering the operation of a hover board."

I meant to do that...but have that removed.

After the spontaneous standing ovation, I said, "Now enough about hearing what I think of me. I would like to hear what you think of me."

Each member of the staff made an impromptu and unprepared statement.

Grand Moff Tarkin began by thanking me for "the opportunity and blessing that you’ve given us to serve your agenda and the Galactic Empire."

Wow! Maybe that guy isn't so bad after all. At the very least he is a great judge of character.

Here is what the rest of the team had to say:

Cassio Tagge added, “It’s an honor to be able to serve you. Each and every member of the army believes in you and knows you are the greatest leader ever. They all have pictures of you above their bunks. They kiss them every night before they go to sleep."

Dennis! This is supposed to be an image of a picture of me above someone's bed... not me in bed!!!!!

Moradmin Bast continued, "I am privileged to be here. I am deeply honored. That Vera is one lucky woman. I wish I were her. Can I be her? I will wear a wig. I'll do anything...”

Admiral Motti cut him off (I don't know why) with, "What an incredible honor it is to lead the Imperial Navy at this pivotal time under your leadership. I can’t thank you enough for the privileges you’ve given me and the leadership that you’ve shown. Under your leadership, this Navy has become the most powerful in the universe. There is no way we would ever let one tiny ship get close enough to destroy our most important weapon... aside from you of course.”

Hurst Romodi then thanked me for my "direction in pulling the operations budget together.” He thoroughly praised me for making sure we have the funds required to protect every single square inch of this battle station. He actually got a little weird and told me how amazing I was to make sure that there was not even a womp rat sized weakness anywhere on the Death Star. That was odd. But accurate.

Womp Rats look like the offspring of the Emperor and one of your hyenas. Adorable right?

Wolff Yularin reminded me that I had visited all of his top secret agents last week and that hundreds and hundreds of people were just so thrilled that I took the time out of my busy schedule to visit them and to share their holograms in my weekly transmission. He told me that my strategy of revealing the identities of the secret agents was "brilliant" and "revolutionary". It was.

Sweetie Belle, who just returned from Tatooine, informed me that all of the people there love me (of course they do). She made a special point to relay a message from the Tusken Raiders who wanted to personally thank me for helping them with their overpopulation problem nearly two decades ago.

I don't like sand (people's blood). It's sticky, smelly and irritating. And it gets everywhere.

Apple Bloom praised me for my ingenious idea of tying all of the trash compactors together into one system so they could conveniently be shut down all at once. She also took the time to show her appreciation for my suggestion of placing the tractor beam control levers in a more convenient location.

Finally, Scootaloo ended by reminding everyone that I happen to be the greatest fighter pilot who ever lived. She even asked me if I would show her the technique I use to ensure that my TIE Fighter never ends up spinning out of control after being hit by a blast by another ship (not that I would ever get hit).

Actually this was the greatest staff meeting in the history of time. Vera was right. I feel great!

The Black Death... wait that is me!
Anyone else have something smart to say?
Some new blood
Who's awesome?
I'm awesome!
The Emperor's baby
I feel good!


For once, the Black Death made me laugh...

Thanks, it is great healing in the middle of a work day! Namaste :)

I found your Middle Ages rather amusing as well.

At the risk of overfilling your "Choke Jar" I have decided to divulge your true identity.

After weighing all of the available evidence, I have come to the inevitable conclusion that under your helmet you are none other than Chuck Norris.

Wearing 6" lifts in your Imperial Go-To-Meeting boots to try and mask your identity has not fooled me.

If this were true. And you were to look at this

It would literally punch you in the face!

Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch.

No, seriously, OUCH!

Haha I Love all these memes about Darth Vader :D

You should. I am awesome!

Please spread the word:

You must all listen to your leader @thecryptofiend. He is one of the few things saving your planet from a visit from the Death Star.

click here!This post received a 23% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @thecryptofiend! For more information,

Thank you @randowhal and @thecryptofiend. your support of the Empire will be remembered.

Here is something fro the whale.

Screen Shot 2017-06-13 at 2.16.20 PM.png

Thank you my Lord.

Soul_Eater_43 The Cryptofiend tweeted @ 13 Jun 2017 - 18:59 UTC

#StarWars…Transmission fr. @lordvader - HOW TO RUiN AN EMPIRE EPISODE XIV: WEEKLY STAFF MEETING @Steemit

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

I just had an uncomfortable meeting with my HR where I asked her how me being dressed as princess Leia would flout company policy

Never ask. Just tell her that is what you will be wearing from now on. Then Force choke someone to end the questioning.

Lets be honest. Do you have a costum

I have armor... and a short temper.

nice sense of humor...keep it up...

I will continue to make fun of my boss as long as he continues to be a jackass.

@lordvader Awesome post, made my day!!!!

If you really enjoy sunshine, you should visit Tatooine. But it is all sand. I don't like sand.

@lordvader It might also a little bit toooo hot for you in that black suit and helmet (remember space balls? the scene in the desert ;-)

Great Post men!

@chrizbiz I find your lack of appropriate memes disturbing. If you would like to avoid any Imperial entanglements, please edit and replace this meme.

What about trying to hire pokemons for the next meeting?

I have been meaning to find out what is in this thing.

The participants to your next meeting are in there! :)

I'm glad to see that you had a productive staff meeting my Lord. Also I'm glad that you didn't blow out your respirator wrecking that hover board in that residential house. :-)

I have seen some of your staff meeting. Perhaps I will make all of them deliver their reports from a pool next time.

That would be great! We will all connect through Skype!

nice content man :)

I think you meant "evil".


Great post !

Of course it is.

lol, sorry forgot you are lordvader

Bro u a die hard star wars fan lol

I really enjoy the 5th of the documentary series.

Thank you for another entertaining post. :) My daughter who was just walking passed the PC, appreciated your choice of Chief Flight Officer.

I too have been impressed by the addition of Scootaloo.

I've got a technical question (yes I know you had question articles a few days ago but I couldn't make it on time) are you able to force choke only one person at a time, or can you do a series of them at the same time? I would think you could do more than one, being who you are.

I can choke at least two with each hand. But I really like to savor each one so I try not to choke more than two at a time.

Perhaps if he actually hired someone competent besides Vera and I, I wouldn't have to kill Imperial employees all the freaking time.

My Lord, you mean to say "Vera and me." You see, you can remove the other person's name and then see if it sounds right. You wouldn't say "someone competent besides I," right? So instead you HKK HCKK CHOKE JAR MY LORD HKCCK CHOKE JAR

Thank you for taking care of that yourself.

Advice accepted.

Hey @lordvader! I strongly considered flagging this post. This isn't you! You're better than this. This behavior is what led you to cut off my hand. I'm not mad, just disappointed.

Your incessant whining is what lead me to cut off your hand. Don't you have more important things to do like making out with that pretty pretty princess?

@lordvader your hurtful words will not discourage me! The force is strong with me and also I had a vegan protein burrito chockful of vitamins and minerals! My counselor told me to give up on you, but I'll never give up!


Sounds like someone else has staff meetings like yours. Maybe you could attend one and hand out a few chokings. I'll fund the choke jar for you

Doesn't seem similar to mine at all. That guy has a disapproval rating of 59%. EVERYONE loves me. They tell me all the time.

In his head everyone loves him.

Fantastically written!! Oh this post just made my night! :)

Yes it was. Yes it did. You are welcome.

click here!This post received a 18% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @thecryptofiend! For more information,

Thank you @randowhale and @thecryptofiend. Here is something for your whale

Screen Shot 2017-06-13 at 2.16.20 PM.png

My Lord. I wish to serve on your council. Your mastery of parody and the force is exceptional and I wish to learn.

I will consider it. You do realize you may not make it past 1 meeting? Actually less than 1 if you forget the bear claws!

I might surprise you, my Lord. I am not completely meek, but I am subservient to those that can teach...

The words of a worthy apprentice...

Perhaps that might be my destiny...

very creative!upvoted.follow back

Yes I am.

Hello my friend . Good information. Thanks for sharing Post

Please my friend I would like to get your support here your vote great honor

looks like the empire is in good hands
ive always been meaning to ask, did you preserve your bits or did the volcano get to them?

Let's just say that I am more machine than man.

Lol is this so funny! I'm glad I stumbled upon this post. Great imagination! May the force be with you!

click on.
Hi! Have you heard about @krwhale? It is similiar with @randowhale. For your information please