We can tell you are wrong because we have an example of health care market in the US without government subsidies, veterinary care.
We have that too. A state and a private. The costs are roughly the same, but there is a huge but.
The private does not need to take you - so they don't take the "bad deals".
The state system has to take over all the really sick (those whose costs are a lot more higher than a "normal" person), the unemployed and so on.
So this is a huge sum that makes the state more expensive compared to private, and still the costs are nearly the same!
In the future - due to the low interest rates - the private may well become more expensive than state.
The costs are the same because of the price floor created by the state system, yet another example of how subsidies raise costs. Without the public system providers would have to compete with each other on price.
In this case, without a private system, the public would be even cheaper!
And they do compete, so that argument is invalid. They just don't compete for all Germans, but "only" for the number of people of a smaller country.