What do you do when you get pulled over by a police officer for a traffic violation?

in #funny7 years ago

Why, you bribe him with some Taco Bell of course!

You might think I am kidding, but unfortunately I am not...

A few days ago in Pasco, Washington a man was pulled over for what appeared to be a minor "equipment malfunction". It wasn't stated exactly what the equipment malfunction was, but likely a malfunctioning taillight or something of the sort. 

As the officer approached the vehicle, he noticed a couple small white baggies in the middle console of the car as well as some white powder sprinkled about. When the man saw where the officer's gaze was looking, he immediately tried to cover the bags and the powder.

The officer then asked what that was in the middle console?

The man replied with: 

"just a little cocaine residue"

Well, at least he's honest, I guess...

What does are fearless cocaine user do next?

The man then went on to offer the officer some Taco Bell if he would ignore the drugs that he just saw, saying he would get the officer a "hook up" at Taco Bell if he looked the other way.  

The officer thanked him for the offer, as he was a big fan of Taco Bell, but had to decline. 

And we do know how much our men in blue love Taco Bell:


Thankfully this one was able to show some strong will power!

The man's car was later searched, and more bags of cocaine were found. Now the man faces charges of possession of cocaine and possibly one of attempted bribery thanks to his Taco Bell offer.

Remember folks, if you ever get pulled over for a traffic violation, keep your Taco Bell to yourself!

Although, this might not even be the strangest story involving Taco Bell food lately. Check this one out:


Stay hungry my friends!



Image Sources:



Follow me: @jrcornel


Officer: "Do you know why I pulled you over?"
Me: "Because you got picked on in high school?"

Haha! "Because I was doing 65 in a 40?!"

Really though not Taco Bell.
This guide here by Rule of law radio is a crucial guide for how to handle a stop with a possibly dangerous police officer.

NEVER FORGET!! ALWAYS carry one or more audio/video recording devices with you into the public world. NEVER go out without them. Try to make sure that they are always charged or have good batteries as necessary. The moment you suspect that you are going to have an encounter with some public servant/official, then, TURN THEM ON AND START RECORDING


Ha, if he only went to Dunkin and got some powdered donuts this could all have been avoided!

He needs to profile his arresting officers better! ;)

Steeevvveeeee Maddeeeennnnn!

I think we should all just relive the moment.

This is comical! Nicely written :)

I thought so as well. Thanks!

Unbelievable! Thanks for sharing! Good stuff!! 😀

It made me want to go buy some Taco Bell!

I can see why... I love Taco Bell!

Excellent post dear friend @jrcornel, if this had happened here in My country Argentina the officers would have stayed with the tacos and all the bags of cocaine and is more free the area to distribute without problem, our palicia unfortunately is more and more Corrupt
Thank you very much for this material
I wish you an excellent weekend

That's too bad. It's tough to have much law and order when the corruption starts at the top...

Argentina was devastated by corruption, the former president is facing different trials for the multimillion dollar sum that was stolen from my country

Dang... well hopefully justice is served!

I am originally from Canada. I live in Argentina now. I have only been stopped like five times in ten years. I hate it when it happens. Never been stopped for the condition of the vehicle but just at random. I don't keep cocaine in my car. ;)

I believe you, and surely you coimearon, trying to get a hundred dollar bill, it's a shame, thank you very much for commenting on your experience dear friend @leprechaun

Or politely ask the officer to prove he has jurisdiction, refuse to give any information (politely) and ask what law you have broken; no victim no crime...


Then offer him/her a Gordita

Chalupa Supreme! :)

Funny story.
Guess the driver heard about the Kentucky Police Chief :)

Haha must have!

Nice article. If he had donuts though, then he might have gotten away with it. BUT who the fuck is so stupid to leave that out in the middle console?

That's what I'd like to know...

Nice post.
Upvote and Resteem @jrcornel

Now I'm hungry. :)

What happened to the Taco Bell dog?!

Gidget..I think she passed on if my memory serves me correct..I loved that dog. Brings back good memories..Lots of late night taco binges LOL

That may be my plan for tonight after reading through these stories! :)

That was funny as...



nothing some taco-bell and cocaine won't help!

This story is very interesting,
I was also pulled by a police officer for a traffic violation, I was furious at the time.
Good posting from you @jrcornel

What happened? And thanks!

I was detained in a few minutes and then released, maybe they lost the cool with me. hahaha

excellent post ever... nice topic

Give up when i aware that is my mistake. is it true @jrcornel

That is good advice. You will only make it worse for yourself otherwise...

really funny story :)

Thanks. I thought so as well! Made me hungry though! :)

Hello my friend
Leave the car for towing

Hahaha... no way!!! Craycray.

lol his reaction was epic !

He knows the men in blue love their Taco Bell!

I'm from Ireland. We don't have Taco Bell. I feel like I'm missing out.

One of my classmates married a girl from Ireland, and moved there to open a Mexican restaurant.

Here in Argentina we do not have Taco Bell. We have Mcdonalds and Burger Kings but no Taco Bell. If a citizen of Argentina had the same thing happened, the story would have been ..

1 ° Obviously the officer keeps the cocaine.
2 ° The officer would accept the offer of the man, regarding the Taco Bell
3 ° The officer would ask money from the man
4 ° The man would be free

That's my beautiful country, I love it! lol

I will run.