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RE: Look what you made me write. Look what you made me write.

in #funny7 years ago

ahhhhh - finialy could stop laughing and thus am able to type :-) Being a 1971 born as well with a teenage-daughter (16) and a nice (13) I feel you!!!! thanks so much! excellent writing! the phenomenon of not getting it the music+lyrics out of your head/ear again is called "Ohrwurm" in German.... having those, just like you, all the time these days.... I sometimes actually DO listen to classical music, just as sort of a remedy... Cheers from Germany! resteemed, upvoted and following you for more!


Whoooooo 1971!!!! I just hurt my back yelling.

"Ohrwurm" great word! Thanks for the lesson.

bawhaha, I could hear the yelling even here :-) If you care for more lessons concerning funny German words - I'm here lol When I lived in the States (class of 88 even got my diploma in Preston-Fountain-High-School, MN) I was amazed and amused with "Gesundheit" and "Kindergarten" being used - so maybe it's time for "Ohrwurm" to be introduced into every day language!!!!! :-) Herzliche Grüße aus dem Siebengebirge :-)