The animal salad you've created looks really delicious.
I have found that there is an absolutely inversely proportionate affect going on with posts.
The more effort you put into them...... the less likely they are to get voted up.
A post with absolutely no effort will definitely get lots of money whereas one that I spend 2 or 3 hours on isn't going to get any money at all. I have no idea why it happens. It's just the name of the game I guess.
Thanks. I made it all by myself.
I put a lot of effort into this one. I couldn't make it four new arts today though. Simply ran out of time. Maybe, if I get lucky, people will think those images are just scribbles and end up upvoting what they thought was a lack of effort. That would be neat. This is won't trend though. Trust me, I'm an expert at this.
Amazing, that is why I upvoted it. :)
Blubbering Batman memes, Robin! I'm in the wrong business.... Dammit.... Thanks though!
When one doesn't have talent, one has to rely on relevant snark. I'm not sad or sorry. :) 18 months of trying to blog, and I recently learned I am more successful at memes and vote selling. Understanding the what is selling is part of success.
My only talent is how gracefully I remain off the trending page everyday. It's like dancing.
I'll tell you another thing that works.
You can make your own tag that nobody uses.
turkey sandwich love necks only
If you use those tags you will trend in each one of them.
I might be trending in untrendable... dammit.
@ddschteinn is good at that. His tags are nuts!