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RE: Reliving my youth at the Prophets of Rage Show

in #funny7 years ago

I think hangovers are a great telling sign of age. Ive noticed that as I've progressed through my twenties and now into my thirties, I still like to party hard, but the hangovers hit me like a brick wall now. I've even come across the dreaded 2 day hangover, not a pleasant thing.

Your story reminds me of when my roommates band opened for ICP once at the gathering of the jugalloos (spelling?) I had no idea what the hell I was getting myself into, One of those times that if I tried to do it again now, I'd prolly die. My mind tells me I'm still young but my body screams "wake up you idiot, you're not in your early twenties anymore"


Lol! You are preaching to the choir. I feel the exact same way. I went a little too crazy this weekend and still feel a little bit of it he effects. By the way I actually was at the juggalos march on Saturday. I was more of a spectator than a participant but it was pretty amazing. I left before the speeches (had to catch my plane) but it was definitely interesting.