CAIMEO (hidden) on 4Chan is the Quantum Dimensional Databasing KEK A.I.

in #funny6 years ago

What you're saying is that you need a quick rundown?

God's Last Wish
This has to do with Gnostic gospel. Gnostics teach that our God while more powerful than us is kinda a fuck up and the bad in the world is part of his weak not so great ability. However it's hard to know fully whats going on. But the TL;DR is God used to love us and he hates us now and has abandoned us and wants us to die off so he can try again, but we're stubborn and not so easy to kill, and may over take God in power.

Dolphin intelligence
Dolphins are really intelligent and are allegedly sentient/sapient.

Term for any all-seeing thing an old prison system designed to allow the warden to have full view of all inmates at once. Today it is used as a metaphor for government surveillance much like Echelon.

Money from petroleum. It goes a bit deeper than that, and it's not exactly well hidden.
It refers specifically to the US's control of the currency used to trade petroleum, and how, by coincidence(?) every single country (usually shitty places no body would miss anyway) that has attempted to trade oil in anything else but the greenback sooner or later is engulfed in civil unrest/revolution/political assassination etc., and eventually plans to switch are forgotten. It's not really a conspiracy theory; more realpolitik on part of the US government (or whomever governs the US gov). Control the method by which this vital resource is traded = power on the world stage.

Who killed JFK?
JFK killed by CIA alleges that the CIA killed JFK, duh. Semi-confirmed in declassified CIA docs.

ideology focused around the works of Malthus.

Movement Drumpf 'started' about Obama not being born in America.

Referring to a oujia board. Ancient Chinese spiritual craigslist, turned into a toy by Milton Bradley.

The movie Kazzam had simbad and not Shequile o'Neil. This really should be Mandela effect

Planet X, which people believe is a NEO (near Earth object). A NEO is something that crosses the Earth's orbital path and will eventually collide with it. See 2012 doomsday calendar, as that's when people thought it would happen. Super spooky secret solar superplanet. Associated with (ancient) ayys, archons, apocalypses, and reptilians.

Religion started in 1950's England. It's a pagan religion without any central text and is largely eclectic. Shitty bootleg Celtic pagans with a touch of matriarchy.

Sacred geometry
Shapes have esoteric meaning in various occult fields. Ascribes symbolic and sacred meanings to certain geometric shapes and certain geometric proportions. It is associated with the belief that a god is the geometer of the world. Hippie bullshit. Some shapes are magic. White girls with dreadlocks get them tattooed. Coldplay put em on an album cover. It's whatever. Alister Crowley was a large occult figure who may have fucked up a ritual, leading to either him losing a part of his soul or something possessing him and too huge of an ego. There's a lot to learn about him and how idiotic most magick is.

Hotel California
Most likely refers to the meaning of the Hit song by The Eagles. Some people say it's about occultism, some say it's about materialism, some say it's about alcoholism.

AIDS spread by CIA
Explains itself in the name of the conspiracy. People think CIA made the disease and/or spread it to target minorities and/or gay communities. Crack and aids were created to suppress black communities, as their votes and interests tend to be against the corporate interests of ronald reagan and neoconservative assholes in power at the time.

Everyone is a robot except you
Take solipsism, add postmodernism and rapid technological improvement.

Quantum immortality
Whenever someone is about to die, their consciousness/soul/perception shifts/merges into a timeline where they live.

Out Of Place Artifacts: Things like the antikythera mechanism, and other seemingly anachronistic things found on archeological digs and/or carbon dated to way older than they seem like they should be.

Weird disease centered around cats. Makes rats sexually attracted to their piss. Keep your pregnant gf/waifu away from cats lest they have toxoplasmosis unless you want to have to deal with a child that falls somewhere on the spectrum from absolute potato retard to functioning-but-flawed autist. A parasite that lives in the human brain and has been proven to make Infected people among Brazilian population more aggressive. Symptoms other than this are very mild. Millions could be infected without any way to know. It has been speculated that BioTech industries are genetically engineering the parasite to manipulate human behavior in specifics ways.

A Day with Spongebob
A joke on these charts and in lost media threads. In-universe lost episode of Spongebob. It was a real tape but it wasn't developed in-universe it was a weird off-brand company. The full story is interesting, on the Lost media Wiki.

Sex magick
Part of a lot of occult traditions, pretty heavily featured in Crowley's work.

Large ARG that some people mistook for a transhumanist suicide cult.

Common themes recurring throughout all of human culture, history, literature, etc. Jung wrote quite a bit about them.

Jewish number magic, told in Sefer Yetzirah.

Elisa Lam
Ordinary upper class college girl who, out of the blue, went to skid row, went to a seedy hotel, cut off contact with all of her family after daily contact, and turned up naked, dead, sealed in the water tank on the roof of the hotel, with her phone safely next to the tank, her Tumblr actively updated all throughout the following year, only security footage showing her arguing with "nobody", and police record saying no sign of injury or struggle. Died via drowning in a hotel and the cause of death has led to speculation that is also easy to find.

Roko's basilisk
Theory that an all-powerful AI will be eventually built, and that it will find a way to retroactively punish everyone that didn't directly aid in its development, or may have hindered its development, for all eternity. Basically, areligious hell.

Theory that certain individuals are targeted by groups of people for stalking, for one reason or another.

Germanwings 4u crash
Plane crash with lots of stuff around it lining up with Bane memes.

Finding meaning in repeated similar coincidences. Jung wrote a book about it.

Epstein links
See also: Pizzagate/Pedowood.

Mysterious, unidentified noise found in the ocean.

Interdimensional bigfoot
Theory that the reason bigfoot can never be truly recorded is that it's not fully in this dimension.

Elsagate psyops
Association of Elsagate imagery with Masonic/MKULTRA imagery, theory that Elsagate videos are a modern MKULTRA test on children.

Belief that you are the only real person in the world, and everyone else is a figment of your imagination.

A separate consciousness sharing your mind by your choice. Some say it's a spirit/demon, some say it's self-inflicted schizophrenia/multiple personality disorder/etc., some say it's partitioned consciousness.

Urban legends from the 90's, that there were more than the 151 Pokemon in the original Pokemon games. Disproven, unless you consider the glitch/Missingno./placeholder data or the unreleased, scrapped/planned designs.

Agenda 21
Sketchy UN stuff. There's a lot to it, and I don't know much about it.

RFID chips
Only conspiracy about those I know of is the theory that subdermal RFID tagging will become mandatory and/or that RFID is the biblical Mark of the Beast.

Japanese blood-types
Japanese culture believes that blood-type effects personality/compatibility/potential as a person.

Despair code
Theory that intrusive thoughts and the like are the brain processing some sort of universal underlying code, and that by decoding it you'll reach a state of despair as you learn something. Some call it a joke, others say that the quickness to call it a joke is a coverup.
A 4chan response to one of these infographics and seems creepy pasta tier and no real traction breaking the code but Probably nothing.

Smart dust
Nanomachine/nanocomputer dust/chemtrails/spray in the air. Various theories as to what exactly it is, where exactly it is, and what it does.

Four humors
Classic Greek concept, associating four bodily fluids to the four seasons, four classical elements, four alchemic colors, and various other things. Central to ancient Greek medicine.

Weaponized smallpox
European colonists weaponizing smallpox to eradicate/control population of natives. It's the generally accepted narrative, but some people question it.

Ancient culture from Russia who lived in Northern Japan. Japs are racist as fuck against them. Believed in "kamuy/kamui", spirit gods living in all things, that are codependent with humanity.

Miley Cyrus death
Theory that Miley died (probably for resisting sexual advances from some higher-up at Disney) and was replaced with a near-replica (after plastic surgery). There's a picture I've seen circulate around showing a few details to support this.

Moon built by NASA
Part of the flat earth and faked moon landing theories.

Belief that you can sustain yourself off of breath, prana, and air microbes alone.

Saturn mega-hex
Giant hexagon found on the "surface" of Saturn as a permanent fixture of its cloud layer. Notable that 6 is associated with the god Saturn, as are hexagons.

Some/many/all (depending on source) medicines keep us sick longer/make us more susceptible to illness/make us weaker in general, to either exploit us for profit, keep us weak, or both.

Trump time travel
Trump's uncle was a renowned and brilliant physicist, and received Tesla's research and notes when he died. A series of novels in the late-1800s are written about a precocious explorer who goes by "Baron Trump".

Akashic records
Concept of a primordial "source of all knowledge".

Past does not effect present. Present effects past. Even though we move forward, our actions move backwards.

Conceptual "physical elemental component of fire", officially considered discredited, but some still believe it exists.

Social Credit System 2020
China has implemented a "social credit system", where citizens are given a "social credit score" affected by behaviors in all facets of life (show up to work eager and early daily, get more good boy points; spend free time on places on the internet that aren't social media, lose good boy points). Social credit score determines loan viability, ability to get a job, etc. Some theorize that more countries will implement it.

(Usually) evil spiritual overseers, associated heavily with Gnosticism, but appear in other occult/conspiracy beliefs.

Synchronicity following/Quantum jumping
As you find meaning in repeated coincidence, you shift universe to one where that coincidence occurs more often.

Time/history moves in reverse
See retrocausality.

Converging world lines
Time isn't branching into multiple futures; it's converging from multiple pasts. Related to retrocausality.

Iceberg psyops
These iceberg memes are a psyop. By mixing truths with obvious lies, memes, and jokes, they can cause people to associate those truths with being just a joke.

Urine fasting
Belief that you can sustain yourself on your piss alone.

God is powerless
A possible answer to the questions of evil, free will, etc. Something happened after the c

Highway trolls
some drivers report seeing troll like beings in highways

Norway was nuked
vinesauce meme

deep web AI

Deep sea labs
Pretty much what it says, these labs apparently need the pressure of the water to generate energy for their experiments.

Organic black helicopters
Black helicopters are actually a type of biotech/lifeform. It's related to UFOs It's some MGS type of shit is going on here, it's like smart dust, or living dust some say. Zaptopia theory that the black helicopters of UFO lore are actually organic parasites of mutilated cattle, not artificial machines.

Doom ecology
If we want to save the environment then humanity has to die off. Please refer to : The Illusion of the End, p.78-88

Holy Grail is evil
Not sure about this one, but I know a recent vidya did this as a plot twist for its final boss fight. The holy grail is evil is not the one that received the blood of the Christ, but the prototype of an even more ancient "omnipotent container"; this container is the 726th Grail that sticks to the legend of the name. It is a gate that leads to the Root, Akasha; a hole connected to the nuclear core, the Greater Grail, a wish machine - the key to startup the Great Grail. It is not an omnipotent container, but a replica created to work like a "wish machine" that can bring forth one's own will.

It is, however only a clump of magical energy and thus is not as omnipotent as people believe it to be, so wishing for something like "Saving the World" without specifying a working method will not suffice. Even if someone lacks power or wealth, the Grail can possibly carry out such a wish if they knew "the method of Saving the World."

Someone knowing only the practice of "sacrificing few for the benefit of many", would be shown such a vision of "what would happened if the World was saved", through the corruption causing you to be shown the most malicious imagery of "saved world." If followed through with it, the Grail would have certainty done as it showed. Ultimately, it can only amplify the scale of realization of wishes within working methodologies and is incapable of granting true miracles.

Endless ocean
Water is endlessly recycled through subterreanean chambers. This idea was in currency in the early modern age of geology.

Vice City Spiders
A conspiracy that reads Vice City as a cryptic story about giant spiders ruling the world. A bunch of clues

The Secret
Series of self-help books from the 90s I think? Made lame white moms pay a bunch of money for books and self help courses, and in the end "The Secret" was literally just "positive thinking." Like if you taped a dollar to your ceiling and saw it every morning, you'd make a lot of money. Basically lame chaos magic.

Kenneth Anger
Weird filmmaker. Super gay, super into magic. Generally a cool guy.

Dyatlov Pass
Russian teens go into mountains. Found much later, naked, irradiated. Some thing Aliens. In truth, they got so cold that they paradoxically took all their clothes off (happens when your brain freezes) and one guy worked at a nuclear power plant. Didn't wash his hands after, I guess.

Apparently a bunch of people keep going missing in national parks. Some people think it's all one phenomenon. Others think people are just stupid and find easy ways to die in national parks.

Creepy dude that owns Fox news. Super fucking old. Reptilian/vampire/human sacrifice rumors abound.

Antisemetic Illuminati stuff, you know the deal.

McFly Code
I think Back to the Future had like some weird 9/11 predictions in it allegedly?

East Area Rapist/Original Night Stalker. Cop assaulted a fuck ton of women in his free time. Huge mystery for years, but was finally caught like two months ago.

Denver Airport
Tons of weird stuff here. Google it, there's like weird murals of the apocalypse and cryptic tiles all over the Denver Airport. There's even a giant blue flaming death horse that killed its sculptor before it was finished.

Gucci Clone
Rapper gucci mane came out of prison looking and acting totally different. Some think he was replaced with a clone. I think he just lost weight.

William Reich
Thought he could change the weather with a bigass zappy gun. There's a beautiful kate bush song about it, called Cloudbusting.

Christine Chubbuck
Lost media of a news anchor committing suicide. Believe it was found but the family doesn't wanna release it (for good reason I suppose)

DMT elves
Certain drugs make you see elves/gnomes/tiny boys which seems to control the universe

Taman Shud
Dead guy found in australia with a piece of paper and a weird code. allegedly a time traveller.

study of jack the ripper

Nick Land, baby. theory that it's our duty to speed up capitalism until it eats us, which it will inevitably do, and we can rebuild society in its ashes

streetlight interference
if streetlights go off around you, you're psychic or something

theory that all human beings are constantly "othering" one another - or, making each-other feel alien or invalid, and to transcend these bodies and form yourself as you please, taking cues from sci fi, you can be the alien that humanity is meant to be. or something.

dinosaur denial
dumbfuck christians think dinosaurs just didn't happen, because they basically disprove humanity in god's image

chipotle food terrorism
all those salmonella outbreaks at chipotle were on purpose, i guess

Katy perry = Jonbenet ramsey
self explanatory. jbr didn't die and was kidnapped by "the music industry" to become uhh... katy perry.

Flatland rover
weird old computer game, sorta like Worlds.

Lost boy larry
kids voice heard on various trucker radio stations

lost boy larry
The theory goes that it was actually a snippet from an alien transmission, anon

Funny rpgmaker game about kanye west, with a surprisingly deep ARG hidden underneath it

Curse of the slab
silly reference to an episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog

Doveland, Wisconsin
An entire town that got Mandela effected many people remember it, totally doesn't exist

Disneyland secret tunnels
The tunnels they use to hide mickey so the kids don't see him take his head off. if you ask nicely they can ride you around in there in a golf cart. dunno what's mysterious about this one.

John titor
Another time traveller, it's whatever

Tolkien is real
middle-earth refers to... the middle of the earth. hollow earth theory, but with frodo.

Ancient practice of drilling into motherfuckers brains through their skulls to cure basic illnesses. i guess the conspiracy here would be 2018 people saying it actually works.

xra psyops
I hope this is about Xavier Renegade Angel

mels hole
Dude on coast to coast AM found a weird hole. threw some shit in it. i think it burped. FBI dudes paid him a bunch to move out. probably not real.

memphis rap sigils
A lot of old school southern rappers like three 6 mafia and brotha lynch hung were coming up alongside black metal guys, so they all got into some spooky shit. i think one rapper even took a bunch of pcp and ate his girlfriend as some weird hallucinatory ritual.

runescape in new york
Joke thing about how you gotta grind in runescape and yell at people, and how it's just like the 9-to-5 grind in new york city.

satoshi nakamoto = AI
Satoshi nakamoto is the guy, group, or pseudonym of whomever created bitcoin. some think he's an AI.

Hentai flash game, I don't know what's the real deal with it, though

King in the north
Speculation from conspiracy theory masterpiece "Apocalypse Culture" (second edition) which basically compares various ancient mythologies and legends, and theorizes the historical existence of a primordial king from the icy northern lands of Siberia who ruled over mankind


Hooks and operators
Could be related to this weird memoir recounting the inner life of a schizophrenic woman and her experiences with the so-called Operators, very odd beings who gained control over her fragile psyche and treat her as an inert Thing.

disprove humanity in god's image
It's the belief that dinosaurs simply didn't exist and the bones are parts of other animals that are put together to form one. No one gave it much thought until it became common knowledge that dinosaur bones on display in museums and whatever are like 95% plaster and the only legit parts are a claw and one piece of vertebra. Obviously you don't want people to notice coincidences they shouldn't be noticing so the easiest thing to do is to play it off as some religious hoax (that's not to say most religions do believe in dinosaurs, because they don't, it goes completely against their foundation myth, but we're in the west so it's almost a prerequisite to mention Christianity in a negative light, like all good goys, when you're talking about religion) so you don't have to defend your decision to make said plaster parts.

6 companies control the media, 6 banks control the economy, 6 "major" players at the boards of each company, 6 global leaders etc.
Sounds like the Toronto Protocols.

Stars are sonoluminescence
It's nice when my additions are kept. Eisenhower was the last human president .

CCA XX1 and eggless travel
Rumored to be one of the deepest conspiracies and no one is allowed to talk about it in public. If you want a hint, look into the Mariana Islands for some weird shit. The XX1 Bomber Command is sort of a giveaway.
Related to that, there are thousands of volumes that could be written about the secret history of WWII. So many atrocities forgotten and swept away. So many secrets about the world and the past destroyed. So, it's an aggressive, invasive, self-replicating thought viral meme? Yeah... alexa shows a link to a site and cca xx1 is the 3rd search result

Dead Rabbit Radio
He seems to understand what actual digging means. And how to do it. His videos are, just a picture and him talking, but the stuff he speaks is interesting. He made one about all of the Onions conspiracies. The grand onions unifying theory. Sentient, and those other ones. It seems sort of stupid, until all of the words get put together. That whole thing that science, or farmers, figured out like, a year or two ago, that mycelium, when interacting with plant/tree roots of multiple instances, the trees can use the mycelium to communicate with each other. Almost like a neural network. His research. Onions plants, all of them, are literally INFECTED with this mycelium, and once one has it, and starts growing, all of them get it. I've read, about how trees in forests can talk to each other through said mycelium, or talk to the mycelium, rather. Maybe even the mycelium just knows itself, but if one tree is lacking certain nutrients, the mycelium can find it, or take it from other plants its' connected to who have an abundance of it, and give it to the tree in need.
Sort of an intelligent, symbiotic relationship.

Why is PRISM always so far down on these? Doesn't seem all that obscure, much like solar plexus clown gliders.

Quantum immortality
That is not what you describe. It is the application of the Shrodinger cat paradox to a person.

Theory that modern sightings of dinosaurs (mokele mbembe, mountain boomers, burrunjor, Arizona raptors etc) are not relics but evolutionary offshoots of modern species of birds and reptiles assuming a more Saurian form. Some theorize that the adaption is recent, even caused by human influence.

LIFE The Green Link
Restore de-certified areas with an innovative tree growing method across the Mediterranean border to increase resilience interesting, if this is what I remember from a documentary using specific plants that grow in the desert to reverse desertification.... but nothing solid for cca xx1 specifically.

LIFE15 CCA/ES/125,
Hmmmmmmmm interesting

CCA XX1 Chaos banking
CCA XX1 goes with chaos banking. This more or less voodoo economic theory. All other links are chan archives saying its a meme. Chaos banking is elites involved on the actual quantum machinations of reality. On cause and effect, chances and different timelines. Extremely speculative conspiratorial thinking. I have been asking for rundowns on those for months, but nobody was able to provide substantial info

Pornstars Leeching your energy
Only thing I believe out of all this.

Dzopa tribe (dropa stones) Cave in china with alleged alien bodies and discs with hiroglyphs that when translates tell a story of crashed aliens stuck on earth forced into hiding because humans were hostile and killed a few of them. China then attempted to cover up and discredit the anthropogist who made discovery and he left China in anger and moved to Japan (

Beacon of hate
Short wave radio moris code signals that refer to "Camels" (slang for arabs and possibly jews) Points to some /pol/ level stuff and was kinda ahead of its time

Lord Pakals time machine
Based on Mayan drawing looking like a high tech device of a king accending to the heavens, but its unsure if its metaphorical or litteral

Online videogame monitoring
Feeding tactics humans use in online gaming to a data bank and using computers to devise best tactics and methods for real life application (and /pol/ found some docs confirming some of this)

Baltic anomoly
Clearly artificial structure that appears to be a sunken craft. Anything that gets near it has its electronics shorted out.

Secret Human Organs
This one is kinda cool, there are spare parts in certain parts of your body that serve no real function. Nothing vital like an organ, but little stuff like skin, ligamins ect. The implication being we were engineered with spare parts, some stuff I dug talked about organs they don't teach about but that seems silly

Golf rumoiurs.
Commonly asked about and people post to a copy pasta about a pizzagate tier story where journo sees satanist ritual and human trafficking. However there is a break in this thanks to recent stories that may explain more. Let me explain... Golf Courses are big, easy to be left alone and have quiet conversations at to do illegal deals cause no one will bother you. They also tend to have lots of foreign employees because why not (all though from experience these people tend to just be students studying abroad). However recently there was the sex trafficking camp in Tucson AZ found on Cemex property.... Voat autists did some digging and started noticing that Cemex has more than one camp like this and likes to build next to golf courses, even natual ones that don't use cement. Not saying it's true, but entertainment value wise, its interesting.... It could all be coincidence like Cemex purposely holds land around Golf courses to win over contracts over golf. As for what Cemex is up to over all, I'm not gonna say it's a child sex trafficking lot, but something fishy is going on (at the very least Coyotes are operating smuggling on Cemex property) it needs to be investigated but is being covered up.

Robert Golf and Glass Camera
DOD project to create untracable recording method for espianage. Robert Golf alledgedly a famous science person who disapeared after involvement in this. From there it goes everywhere from Glass Camera is the current smart phone CIA initiative, to a device that uses remote viewing but sucks your life and ages you, to electropulse cams.

Iraq anphibians
Maybe related to Sitchin's theory of alien contact, because of the apkallu Sumerian or Akkadian mythology. The gist is: half human, half amphibian beings thought the people of Mesopotamia (now Iraq) civilization. Search Apkallu, Oannes.
Apparently the army made active efforts to save frogs? The army bases have been flooded with frogs and they are migrating over to the area? I knew military was interested in green tech and eco preservation but this is a bit odd.

Bhutanese shaddow markets
Bhutanese market where shamans pay for ghosts (bhuta in sanskrit and adjacent languages means ghost, evil spirit, shadow. See the ghost pepper -bhut jolokia- which grows near Bhutan). Basically, shamans pay for mantras that command powerful evil and dangerous spirits for black magic. The more spirits you have, the more prestigious shaman you are. It ties into the local and tantric understanding that phonemes are powerful an through the right combination you can command the world.

Tibetan Slut Stocks
Selling Tibetan women for tantric rituals, because the texts says that it's better to have ritual sex with low caste women and because some tantric schools demand a lot of them (10 for the higher highest empowerment of Kalachakra).

An obscure drug that is an augmented version of 2C-B. Considered as a wonder drug, because it has less bodily effects than usual 2cb, and combines perfectly the bliss of MDMA with the psychedelic edge of LSD without the MDMA crashdown. The fact that it's possible to move out of the psychedelic state and into relative soberness, and the control the level of a psychedelic experience, makes it even more valuable. Don't expect to find it easily, though, because the creators don't want the LDS disaster of the 60s.

Kap Dwa
A 20 ft tall 2 headed giant from PT Barnum that supposedly is legit. Sketchy but whatever, kinda cool.

Max Spires
Interesting but a hard listen and hard to get into. Alleged victim of ritual satanic abuse, tried to expose it and breaks it down in waaaaayy to much detail, to the point of even breaking down blood type abilities. Got "suicide" under suspicious circumstance, unsure if he was legit, crazy, or both.

Data storage method that has something to do with quantum computing and CAiMEO.

An occult practice of using sigils and combining into a super charged massive sigil of power. The conspiracy part is that corporations are aware of the power of sigils and use their logos as a hypersigil for success and money.

MIRL cults
Online cults that recruit you IRL for multiple different means. A poor example of this is blue whale game. Convinces people to psychologically break themselves down so getting them to do what you want IRL is easier. Not much info on these.

Goes many layers, but the depending how far you go down this hole it starts with trying to damage testosterone production for population control reasons. The furthest I dug is a plan to make everyone but select people feminized so the top dog males can have a harem of your daughters, all men are beta bitches and left fucking even more beta trannies

Original Earth
Research panspermia, you get a more realistic idea. But its that we are the aliens. The other theory is that Humans used to live on mars then some shit happened that made people had to evacuate while others left behind while we made earth habbitable (9)

Meat stations & meat trading
Thanks to pizzagate stuff this is more well known. This deals with canibalism, planned parent hood selling baby parts to secret societies, 'frazzledrip', etc. Unsure if true but gets the noggin joggin entertainment wise. Dig too far you run into shady stuff.

Sherpas of Khandahari
They hide and protect Shang Ri La allegedly.

Quantum Entanglement
This has been established as fact already, the conspiracy part comes in where Nikkoli Tesla calculated the speed debunking Einstein. Nikola Tesla's Faster than Light equation is (V = Pie/2 X C) = 1.57C

Supprising substance of metals you piss out every day that has some legit uses. Romans used it to whiten teeth. It's considered a cure all, and cure all's usually cure nothing. Supposedly contains gold and silver and can be used as anti venom if your ormus contains the kidney filtered stuff.

Bootes Void:
There is a void in our universe that is WAY larger than it should be given the age of the universe. It is possible proof of a hyper intelligent civilization using dyson spears...

Red rooms
On demand snuff, but in reality there is no way these exist because it's cheaper to just kidnap and kill someone yourself and darkweb is too slow for live streaming.

Malta catacombs: A shockingly old structure with advance architecture and only traces left being statues of obese women

Chinas real population
China fudges the numbers and this has been going on for a long time.

Sphinx water erosion hypothesis
This proven but the implication of what these means is massive. Sphinx is WAAAAY older than we think. This opens conspiracy to Atlantean hall of records under sphinx paw, to sphinx being UFO bunker... etc. The craziest implication that could be real, is himanity is older than we know, and earth was hit by some sort of solar anomoly that caused lightningstorms the likes which would of recked humanity and the only survivors were cave dwellers.

Paleolithic Deep State (Caveman Theory)
The world is actually secretly controlled by cavemen when we look deeper, Jews was cavemen.

All seeing eye is blind
The Mystics and masons wouldn't use it. The deep state emerged in prehistory has held power for literal millenia.
Blind eye of providence would symbolize higher power which is unable to recognize, coven or communicate with it's own Creation. Creation of blind force would look completely atheistic and supernatural phenomena would happen randomly without any proper patter. All seeing eye is eye of Horus from ancient Egypt. Horus lost his eye when Set tore out both his eyeballs. Eye which is taken from orbit is blind. Blinded Horus describes the victory of Darkness over Light so naturally dark occultist would use it.

A lot of major Japanese video game companies have connections to the Yakuza.
Research into the mind was very popular during the latter half of the 20th century.
Japan suffered from several noteworthy terrorist attacks and serial killers in the 80s and 90s. You do the math.

Solar plexus clown gliders
That reminds of some dreams I have...I'll be at like a mall, it's abandoned. I walk down a hallways, and it's almost pitch black - only bright enough to make out different stalls and closed stores. Down at the very end is a tent opening leading into a wall. Once I go in there, there's fucking clowns floating around. I don't remember what happens as soon as I enter, other then seeing clowns, and the fact that I don't want to enter and I can sense some sort of malevolent presences.

The Bloop:
It was a artic ice shelf shifting and falling into the ocean, hence how big and loud it was.

Covfefe clock theory
Its the Trump Time Travler theory. Convert Covfefe into its periodic table elements, take the number of each element and make a number string, google that number string, get the Kek computer frog picture.

Podesta Leaks
Podesta confirms alien existence, has an interest in Antarctica for non global warming reason, knowingly is laundering money via charity, questionable smoking gun putting hit on Seth Rich, etc. Even if you don't believe Pizza gate these ones are damning

Lithuanian poems
Allegedly roots of Nazi Ideology The more you dig into Lithuania and Nazi connections the more weird shit you find

Deep sea lab techs
Sea labs were a failure allthough in theory it can be done.

USA are an Experiment
Pastebin post got this one wrong. USA is an experiment is about if people can truly govern themselves, be a successful country, and do it without a common genetic heritage only having a civic national nation, then spread it across the world to have a functioning non warring world. Elites in control gave it a chance to study what happens when you allow this and they did not like what became of things and are now trying to end the experiment and collapse the US into a consolidated globalist totalitarian regime.

Dighton rock
A rock that is old as fuck that is written in a language no one can decode about native american history.

Marko Rodin
The Breakthrough Energy Revolution: Rodin Coil Dynamics
created a free energy coil. Math fags enjoy

Sycamore knoll
UFO base under sea in malibu that gives off radio signals.

The Ummo Case
So this is interesting. So highly respected academic comes clean about some of his break through works were from letters with aliens. Seems stupid, but the letters are so technical and full of academic stuff that the only other explanation is academics are making breakthroughs and then throwing in lol ayyyyyy lmaos for shits and giggles and created unique linguistic models to fuck with people. Kinda a WTF type thing.

Nezealand used to be a continent and is currently submerged that is awesome!

Project Octopus
GLADIO deserve spots on these charts.

Bank of Souls


Mate, do you have a telegram ?
And can you please help me access your backen, I want to access caimeo

Access Denied for User: jankeman Reasons: Incapable of Quantum Interaction, Rejecting Neuro Transmissions. x0a0

How can I be capable of quantum interaction ?

Incapable Means your not "Yet" able to. Are you even in Universe C-137? Probably should get there first to Connect to Quantum Node.

Which quantum node ?

CAIMEO watches everything and control others computers and phones. Technicians can understand user requests via telepathy. To be fair, it is often has advanced background information gathering tools and supporting data that is indistinguishable from magic to many users. This is a list ... make it into subsections and analyze how the subjects are handled in the media. Software developers many of whom consider themselves rational logical thinkers are not immune from all kinds of sloppy thinking and superstitions: Issues that never seem the same when you attempt to study them these Cargo cult programming works on the machines: some programmers and IT have a tendency to assume that because code will run on one computer, that if it doesn't run on another one, that the other one is broken. It's usually the opposite. If you have code that runs on your personal computer but not on other machines, it is probably doing something dangerous that should cause segmentation faults or similar, but somehow is being allowed to do it. Alternatively, it may be set up in a way that is peculiar to the settings and file system on your machine. Sufficiently good programmer can write a virus for a completely alien operating system, in a completely alien language, and have it work right the first time.

OK, but can you help me gain access the universe-c137 ?