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RE: Why I'll Never Go To That Bohemian Grove Party Ever Again (Mature! Reader discretion advised!)

in #funny7 years ago

Ugh! I hate when big lesbians wave their magic wands around and give me cancer!
I saw the title of your post earlier and it was enough to make me giggle before I even had a chance to read it.
I live in the same city as Alex Jones. Still trying to find his studio so I can buy some of those anti New World Order supplements he sells.


Maybe if I keep writing about Alex Jones, the black helicopters will show up and take me to his lair. I'll make sure to peek through the blindfold, plus I'll double dose on some of those super anti establishment eyesight pills now in chewable form. I should be able to see where I am and I'll make damn sure to let you know where it is once(if) I get back.

Alex has the best supplements​!