When you were a kid, what did you tell people you wanted to be when you grew up? Did you come close?

in #funny7 years ago

I am currently a special education teacher... and I LOVE it! I could not imagine being anything else.

However, as a kid, I never once mentioned teacher as a possible career. In fact, I hated school and was a HUGE troublemaker in high school. I made it my sworn duty to give my teachers as much grief as possible (usually in a playful but extremely annoying way).

My oldest recollection (from when I was around 10) of how I would answer the "when you grow up..." question was with the response "a veterinarian!"

There were a few problems with that answer. I didn't have any pets, I had never had any pets... and I was pretty scared of all animals. When I was seven, a giant Husky jumped up on me and scratched the white part of my eyeball. I still remember the red mark it left on my eyeball. So yeah... I didn't like animals very much.

To be honest, my reaction to a bunny would be exactly like this as well.

But "veterinarian" sounded like a cool answer at the time. Plus it was the same answer my older sister gave. I guess I figured that if I got on her good side, one day when she was forcing me to play Barbie Queen of the Prom, she wouldn't cheat and make me go with Poindexter to the Prom (true story).

It did not work.

Screen Shot 2017-05-19 at 7.44.34 AM.png
I hate you Poindexter!!!!

As I grew older, I changed my answer to "pilot"... just like every other boy who saw Top Gun when he was 13. I even started getting information about the Air Force Academy. This plan had some flaws as well. I had terrible eyesight... and I didn't really want to put any effort into High School. Those were two pretty important factors in getting accepted to The Air Force Academy... go figure. So that wasn't going to happen.

Shortly after discovering I wasn't quite Academy material, I decided I would go into aviation business management. I assure you this had nothing to do with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University being located in Daytona Beach, Florida.

I swear!!

College is going to be like this every day!!! No it's not.

No I don't. That is a complete lie. 17 year old me made the very mature decision of choosing a career based 100% on the location of the college. Luckily that only lasted for one year.

I can't imagine being in management. It is not because I am some rebel and can't stand "management". It is because I CANNOT FREAKING SIT STILL TO SAVE MY LIFE!

I have ADHD. I am sure this is part of the reason I was such a problem in school. But back then, they did not call it "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder". They called it "being a jackass". Which is what I was/am.

As a teacher, I never sit still. I am constantly moving and engaged. Some people think ADHD means you can't pay attention. However, the exact opposite is true. People with ADHD pay attention to EVERYTHING. This ability is a tremendous asset as a special educator. My kids constantly need help with 1 million different things all at once. Because I can focus on many different things at once, I am able to meet all of their needs (most of the time).

There is more to the story of how I became a teacher. But that is not what this post is about. Today I want to hear from all of you.

When you were a kid, what did you tell people you wanted to be when you grew up? Did you come close?

Images 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

There are 2 pages

When I was a kid, in the 1950s in France, there were no computers. So, I did not know that you could be a software engineer.

Me too, I wanted to be an Air Force pilot, but not because of Top Gun of course! I was already 36 in 1986.

I changed my mind and instead of an Air Force officer, I became a Navy officer. Not too far.

At the Naval Academy, I discovered computers. If I had known that such beasts existed before, I would never become an officer, but I would have studied computer science and become a software engineer.

And after twenty years in the Navy, that is what I became: a software engineer.
More precisely, a traveling software engineer: a week ago I was in New York City, this morning I was in Paris, today I am in Budapest, and tomorrow I will be in Pécs, Hungary.

That is great! You ended up with two dream jobs.!oh and Top Gun was about Navy pilots. Forgot about that.

Indeed, several of my comrades at the Naval Academy became jet pilots.

It is true that I do not regret anything from my professional life.

It seems like traveling must be in your blood!

In the kindergarden I said I wanted to be an alcoholic. I think I didn't know what that meant ;)

LOL!!!! That is hilarious! I can only imagine what your teacher thought. Do your parents know you said that? If it were my kid I would tell that story EVERY chance I got.

Thank you so much for sharing this!!!

I remember I told my parents something like: "teacher was laughing at me when I said I wanted to be an alcoholic when I grow up, why did she laugh?". I was about six, so they tried to explain why I should not want to be who I said I wanted to be. I think I understood more or less because I changed my mind and from this time on I wanted to be magician.

PS: I'm neither alcoholic nor magician today :D

This story just got even funnier!

I love this post, what an awesome bit of han history, haha! I have said a version of writer/author/novelist since I was five years old and first asked. I know that's rare, most people do not stick with their childhood desire. I did go to college for Computer Science, my parents always supported my wish to write but wanted me to have a 'back up plan'. Circumstances led to me not completing a four year degree (I ended up with a dual associates in computer information systems and humanities/social sciences) . It's a long story, but I am super happy with the way life turned out :)
I'm glad you love being a teacher, if there were more teachers who loved their job school would be a far more enjoyable experience!

It sounds like you took a path that lead to happiness! That is really all the at matters. Thanks for the kind words. Its really all about the kids. I love my kids so I love my job.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I used to own that Barbie game, and my cousin Heather and I used to force my cousin Brad to play. Except Heather actually loved Point Dexter and her affinity for him made me not think he was so bad-we decided that Bob was a creeper and he was the one to avoid at all costs :)

When I was a kid, people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up and invariably told them I wanted to be happy. Thinking that a little boy didn't really understood the question, they'd repeat it with emphasis on a louder volume and a slower pace... To their dismay, the answer stayed the same and wore a very large smile.

I still do and feel like so far, I have by far succeeded in being a happy person. It still is my focus and smiles are rather easy. :) Thank you for giving us the opportunity to share on this important topic. What a great blessing. Namaste :)

I should have known you would have had the most perfectly positive answer! I always smile when I see you have left a comment!


when I was a kid I wanted to be BIGGER when I grew up.
it happened.

Well done! Congratulations!

That really made me laugh. Thank you for that!

wanted to be a drummer, ended up doing that and much much more than I ever could have imagined at that age
For Best Results: Resteem, Upvote, Follow and Comment!

That is awesome! Do you have any posts on here of you playing?

Yes! Here is a drum cover of a nice song! I post videos oftem, I play the oud, flute, clarinet, guitar, bass, drums, sing and all that nonsense!

Check it out https://steemit.com/music/@thearcanebear/drums-beating-rhythms-and-time-a-cover-of-the-orange-is-the-new-black-finale-song

Wow that is really impressive! Checking out your post now.

Thank you for all the support, so glad you liked it. WE will do more as often as we can. If you have any suggestions we would love to know!

That skydiving post is awesome!!

haha thanks, I was surprised it didnt do very well, musta been the time of day i posted! I thought it was an amaazing post haha

It seems really clichéd but all I ever wanted to be was an archaeologist! I was dinosaur daft and used to recite the names of every single Dino I knew each night. Ah, those were the days. After such lofty aspirations i ended up in software testing sigh

But when you get old enough the kids in the office will be like " run that idea by the dinosaur over there." You can be a dinosaur!!!

There's always a silver lining!! :0D

Silver fox?

Damn all that photo manipulation in my posts ain't hiding nothing!

The only thing I see is your sparkling personality! ;)

Lolz, Cheers man!!! ;0)

Both my mother and sister are teachers.... I do not understand these mortals and their "well of patience".

I wanted to become a preacher when I was younger... It did not happen thank God.

Nice post and topic.... following.

I like the way you wrote that: not a preacher "thank god". Well played! I hope that whatever path you took is a happy one!

If you follow me you will see that my path has taken me too Steemit and Cancun, Mexico where I currentley reside. Thanks for the laughs and by the way, why doesn't anyone talk about how you were provoked in the Mos Eisley Cantina? It's always you shot first.... Greedo was looking for trouble.

That is an excellent point. Its not like Iw as going to let him shoot me? He's a trained bounty hunter! If he fired from 2 feet away, I'd be dead.

Yes. I wanted to be a soldier. I achieved that goal.

Congratulations! What country?

A country that still uses WW2 equipment. In that, I somewhat achieved my other goal (which I had as a 5 year old) which was to fight in WW2.

Lol! That is a great way to think of it. Stay safe!

Nice job on your post! I always wanted to be one of those dolphin trainers in Sea World or something. Ended up being a webdesigner - I love it and gives me a ton of flexibility!

You are the 2nd dolphin trainer dreamer! I'm so happy you found something you enjoy! Flexibility is way under rated. You can never make more time...

Somehow I just ended up in this segment and I do not regret a single thing. I can work from anywhere and anytime. Can't imagine anything else that suits me better.

Anytime anywhere sounds awesome!

It is without doubt! Only downside is that working in your own time also leads to procrastination and sometimes lack of motivation. For example, I am now laying on a beach on Ibiza and need to drag my ass back inside sometime today.

Children nowadays at the age of 3 are able to manage a smartphone already, at that age I was still eating dirt and seeing fairies.

My favorite activity around that age was digging holes. I'd go outside and dig with a shovel until my hands started to bleed. Guess I was trying to dig to China.

To quote the movie Caddy shack... "The world always needs ditch diggers".

Lol! Mud pies!!!!

Thank you my friend. Enjoy in joy.

This post opens up that "dream" we had dreamt when we first started looking this world in our perspective. I personally wanted to be a computer engineering. "Change the world" was my demeanor. Of couse, I become one but I just didnt change the world :p. I love the post. Keep going.

There is still time to change the world! I am happy you were able to make your dream a reality!

sure, there are time :)

I grew up in the village in africa. Growing up, parents hardly ask you what you want to be. They just want you to be a doctor, engineer, pharmacist, etc. Where you grew up matters!!!

That is a great point! Culture and geography play a huge factor. Not to mention economics. Some people literally have no choice at all. Thanks for the reality check.

My teacher in middle school asked us one time and my friend answered that she wants to be a pensioner.

That is funny. Clever middle schooler!

I wanted to be an artist. I became everything else.

Writing is still a way to show your creativity. You do that quite well!

That's what I though right after I pressed "post". Thank you for your words.

My pleasure!

That depends on the age you asked me. It kept changing.

  • At 4 yrs old: Superman. No question. I was going to be Superman.
  • At 6 yrs old: Veterinarian. This was negotiable.
  • At 10 yrs old: Stand-up Comic. I spent a lot of time watching HBO comedy specials around this time.
  • At 11 yrs old: Stunt man. This was short lived.
  • At 13 yrs old: Author/novelist. I still tinker with this idea sometimes. I actually managed to write a book while in High School. Took a bit over 2 years.
  • At 16 yrs old: DJ. This one I actually followed through with for about 10 years from ages 23-33. It was fun, but got burned out. It wasn't worth the BS.
  • At 18 yrs old: Filmmaker. This is something still very dear and true to my heart, and dammit...I'll get that movie made some day yet.

Things I ended up being:

  • Photographer
  • Salesman
  • Tech Support
  • Travel Agent
  • Telemarketer (short lived, hated it)
  • Customer service
  • Dispatch for a trash company
  • Data Entry Clerk
  • Graphic Designer
  • Aspiring Voice Over Artist

Aweosme! This deserves a more thorough response than what I can do on the phone right now but... stand up comic! Yes! HBO was the best for that back in the day. I watched every special I could. Carlin at Carnegie will be etched in my memory forever!

This post has inspired me to change my Steemit avatar.
I can now cross that one off my list.

Brilliant! I'm going to be a superintendent... or a caterpillar.

Damn I'm so mad I didn't use that pic for the thumbnail.

I do think it was awesome that you got to be a DJ. Perfect age for it too. But like everything... BS destroys the fun.

Good luck with the movie! Perhaps some day you can make the first full length movie released exclusively on steemit!

I wanted to be Doctor Doom. Supervillainry is not all it's cracked up to be. Enjoyment is diminished with the loss of too much sleep. Studying physics is the best part.

Mostly, I think, I did not come close to being Doctor Doom, because I could not obtain something which cannot exist. I've come as close as I can, within the limits of reality. Pursuit of total power is too exhausting.

Wow! Way to aim high! If you're going to be a villain might as well be one with his own country.

I think I picked a villain, not because I wanted to be bad, but because they always seemed to be the ones with more freedom. If you are superintelligent, and superpowerful, why should you call anyone else 'authority'?

Interesting take. Makes sense. Villain away!

It might be the reason for the anti-hero, but when I was seven, I didn't know such a thing existed.

Of course not. You just thought they were cool and free. And you were right!

@hanshotfirst I wanted to be a computer games programmer at first, then a internet marketer, it failed and life dragged be into another direction, but I am still trying for a online career.

I think the blockchain is going to open up a whole new world of career possibilities. Good luck!

When I was a kid I wanted to be a veterinarian because I love animals. Also, I've discovered in the past few years that I love dissecting. Only one problem. I don't want to go to medical school. And I want to be famous. So that's not happening. Plus, I'm afraid of dogs now. Instead, I'm starting a career in music. I've already got 7 songs ready to go on the album, a few more and I'll be ready for copyrighting and then release! I would also love to be a celebrity plastic surgeon, but I don't have a very steady hand, so I don't think I could.

Definitely need steady hands for that! Have you ever posted any videos of you performing here?

No, I don't really perform since I haven't got an album out yet. Hopefully I can get it out next winter. Once I can get it copyrighted I'll post videos, sell copies of the album, all that stuff. I'm just really paranoid of people plagiarizing my work.

I wanted to be a dolphin trainer or fashion designer, and yes i became a sustainable fashion designer :D so for me it really worked out ! Bless

That is awesome! When I first read this I saw it as "I wanted to be a dolphin."

I was thinking "good luck cl with that!"

I'm happy you were able to make your dream a reality... but would still be cool to be a dolphin!

haha could indeed be cool to be a dolphin :D Bless, have a nice day !

I wanted to become many things...

To answer the question. No, I did not become a warlock!

Yet!!!! But there is still time!

So far,... no where close. Although, I don't think I've grown up yet, nor do I think I want to - I like this plan, LOL.

That is the BEST plan! I think your job title is "person who makes everyone druel by posting awesome photos of the delicious food I know how to make".

That would be awesome on a business card!

And accurate!

I wanted to be an interior designer or gymnast or librarian

Did you end up anywhere close? A gymnast librarian would be awesome! Imagine the stunts you could do on the shelves! Plus you could swoop in to shush people.

Haha, I guess you could say I am close to libraries since I am an academic. I have done research in many libraries around the world!

I used to be a Spanish teacher and I often worked with the special ed teacher as we had a few of the same students. My 504 and IEP students were good students and made lots of effort to do well! They always did well and I was pleased with their ambition to do their best! I commend special ed teachers because it's a lot of responsibilty but rewarding, at the same time! :)

Thanks! The kids are awesome so my job is so much fun! But all teachers just like you work with kids with special needs. Sometimes they are diagnosed sometimes not. Sometimes it's temporary due to a tragedy in a kids life. It's awesome that you have such a positive attitude about it!

Are you still doing something with the Spanish language?

Yes, I did notice that some of my special ed students went on to transition into traditional classes over time.
I still love the Spanish language and will do a little freelance interpreting once in a while. Most of my time is spent working with my sister in her loan closing business and also taking care of my father who had a stroke.

I am sorry to hear about your father. You are a good person for sacrificing to help him.

That's very nice of you to say! Thank you!

Wanted to be an toy-shop owner, then a soldier, then an astronaut, then an engineer and now ended up surfing net all day long and doing my freelance work!!!!

I like the sound of "freelance" hopefully it lets you do a little peace of all of those things you like!

Yup, almost!!!!

Not close, i wanted to be soccer player and/or military...

Why not both? Did you ever see the movie Victory?

Yeah, but i ended up becoming a physics teacher and musician lol xD

Teaching is sometimes like being a soldier...


Oh yeah!, you are right there! hehe xD

I remember wanting to have kids when I grew up. I accomplished that 3 times. Chloe, Michael, and Alexis have taught me more than I could imagine. That time means nothing. That cleanliness is a myth and that the world runs on chicken nuggets and french fries. Lots of fun.

Yes!!!!! The best job in the world! How about the lesson that sleep is over rated? Lol

My youngest is 5 and in school so sleep is normal but for those first years it was rough. I cringe now when I hear a child cry.

LOL! I have totally been there.

I wanted to be an astronaut, but that didn't happen.

Yet... lol. Anything close?

Lol...nope. I am a teacher.

Well... I bet sometimes you feel like you are working with aliens from another planet! (Especially if they are teenagers!)

I know I do sometimes!

Lol...for sure...I have to teach Koreans English...I teach with my wife who's Korean.

I told i wanted to be "an artist". people always laughed at me and said: "that is no real job". I have no idea how anyone would say this, even before media design was a thing. never listen to your teacher.

I am so happy you are following your dream! So many jobs need creative people!

I remember telling my mother in the grocery store one day that I wanted to own one. I also told her I would make all the food free, so that everyone could afford it. I'm fairly certain the altruistic nature of the comment was due in part to me asking for something and being told that we couldn't afford it.

I ended up owning a bar, and my customers must have heard my proclamation when I was a child because they constantly try to convince me that my product should be free.

LOL!!!! You just need to make them all buy one get one free... but then charge twice as much for the first one. ;)

Great post! I wanted to get through college and have a family. Did that and even though I have worked after my children were in school and developed my own small business I consider my family my biggest and most important success.

That is a great way to look at the world! And you are right. Having a great family will beat anything else in the world.

just a good man at what ever place and time i was in as i lived

That is a very healthy attitude!!!

I wanted to be He-Man when I was a little kid of, oh, about four or five years old.

I'm really glad that it never happened :)

Sometimes kids have a weird dreams... :)

Lol! Yeah good thing it would suck to have to walk around in that outfit all day! But you would be a prince half the time...

Yeah, I suppose the prince thing would be kind of nice. I also wouldn't mind having the self-confidence to pull off that ridiculous outfit.

I wanted to be a singer actually. Turned out my voice is bad, like really bad. We had classes and my teacher asked me to stop sing because my voice was too deep.


LOL. That is really funny! Slick music teacher. Too deep... yeah that's it. I am a horrible singer as well.

Lmao i told everyone i wanted to be a lawyer lol. def not that. but i can for a argument hahahaha. im actually in school for music production lol

That's aweosme! That sounds like a really fun job. And you will always find a use for your arguing skills.

thats true and yeah i hope i get through my schooling im on the right track now so lets keep it that way lol

I started off telling people I wanted to be a doctor (watched too much Grey's Anatomy when I was like 10), then I changed it to physical therapy. I went off to college, realized I hated science and it hated me right back and transfer to a university closer to home. I'm now getting a teaching degree and I'm about halfway done with my college but I honestly just wanna travel...

Perhaps you can teach in a foreign country... or a few! Good look!

When i was kids i like to be an engineer,

And from your profile it looks like your dream came true. That is awesome!

Thanks, for your appreciation

I never knew what I wanted to be growing up. To this day I still don't know what I want to be. The question never made any sense to me. What do you want to be when you grow up? There's so many choices to make growing up. Why choose one? There's a full time job's worth of work in your house right now and you don't realize it (unless you already have, in which case good work). Everyone is always surprised that someone can be so successful without ever leaving home for work. It's simple, learn to cook, clean up after yourself, find something creative to do in your free time, and you'll never have to choose something to do as a grownup, because those are the things grownups do anyways.

On a side note, I have a sibling that wanted to be a lightbulb...

Good point. And it will become even better as people start to make their living on the blockchain. How many services can be provided right from your computer? Many!

Good luck on the lightbulb. If they ever accomplish it, let me know! LOL

Thank you. After researching all of the ways of earning Cryptocurrency online, This has got to be the best (In my opinion.) Steemit is like if Reddit had an actual objective. Most other methods of earning Cryptocurrency seem illegitimate or don't pay nearly enough for the amount of time and energy expended. If nothing else, its a good way to make some extra cash while socializing and brushing up on writing and communication skills.

Exactly! There aren't a lot of ways out there that will pay you to have fun!

I love how the reality of "what I really do" is an overwhelmed person in front of a stack of papers. As a student I never gave enough credit to the work that my teacher did. I assumed that I wasn't given enough attention, but the truth of the matter is that you teachers have loads of work and are underpaid. Try telling a developing teenager that, though.

LOL. Thanks! I always joke that I show up smiling every day at work because of the kids. So the kids are fun... and I get paid for the paperwork.

I dont even remember what i wanted to be as kid, such a long time ago!

LOL. I'm sure I'm not too far off from that. Luckily I joke about it enough that I keep reminding myself.

Not even close!

What did you want to do?


When I was young, I wanted to be a chef or a police officer. It wasn't until highschool where I was pushed by a teacher to pursue science. I was naturally good at biology and I enjoyed mathematics. My teacher noticed my ability to pick up the material easy and I owe it all to him for setting me on the path I lead now. I, like yourself, could not imagine being in a different field. I appreciate the work you do as a teacher, I have a great deal of respect for the amazing men and women that work hard to motivate and push kids to do their best. Thank you.

That is very kind of you. And I have a great deal of respect for the scientists who strive to make the world a better place. Can you get to work on clones? I'd like one so I can play more video games please.

I am not sure if the "tomato" was an auto correct or intentional but I love it! As for the clone, the science is definitely there, I am sure some underground lab is doing it someplace. Disregarding ethics, and money, you could probably have a team of 3 to split screen with ya in no time! Batteries not included.

Nice catch on the tomato! You are quick! Hmm 3 huh. Better start with two to see how it goes.

Did I came close? Yes, I DID. Just half a year ago, at the age of 62. After 41 year or working , and every single day I've worked, I was doing only what I like, and what gives my fun. And only after 41yr I came so close, very close to what I was telling to all the people while being a kid.
Thanks for a great question, @hanshotfirst, I've got so much inspired now. I'm going to write my own story. Maybe soon...

Great! I am looking forward to reading it. If you write it, can you please post a link right here?


I thought for certain I would be the odd-ball that's doing almost exactly what I told people I wanted to do: I wanted to be an artist, a writer, and a computer programmer. Now, I have a career as a Software Engineer, I've sold a couple paintings, and am having my first full-length novel being published (expecting my free copies in the mail within the next month).

The only 2 things I had in mind to be as I got older that I didn't accomplish were an Astronaut and a Scientist. Although I do see myself as a bit of a Gastro-Scientist when I cook... most would consider me just loony. Astronauts's just a cool thing to say, so I'd wager many-a-young-boy said that, especially if they grew up in the late 70s and 80s when the space program had already been to the Moon and made American Heroes out of many Astronauts already.

Loony is good! Congratulations on the book! What is it going to be called?

Thanks so much! It is called AJAX Tarnished and, yes, I put my name on Steemit the same on purpose as a self-plug. Tacky? maybe, but that's what unknown writers sometimes must do to generate a buzz.

It's actually the 1st book in what will be a Trilogy when all is said and done. The next books will be AJAX Polished & AJAX Brandished and they follow the tragic circumstances of the main character, Aaron Jaxler, as he lives through horrors, becomes a shining leader for the down-trodden, and then becomes a weapon of war... all the while not wanting to be anything more than just himself.

I'll post a few scenes sometime so you can read it. It's set in a Steampunk-esque world.

Very cool. Looking forward to it!

Not in a million years would I have thought I would be a Baptist preacher. I wanted to be an Air Force fighter pilot and transition from that into astronaut. I did become a journeyman iron worker before I surrendered to be a preacher.

Wow those are two very different paths. I hope you are enjoying the one you are on!

I wanted to be astronaut and i made it true everyday i get so high it feels like im in space

LOL. Only if there were some way to tell from your name...

Always had problems with this question, even after i grew up :)
Never thought I'll be an engineer. Always a little jealous of people who found their calling from childhoo. But, I think that in the world a lot of interesting professions and my preferences can change with time.

There is nothing wrong with leaving your options open.

I just want to be "me"...

Nice! I think you nailed that one.

What an interesting question. When I was a kid I wanted to be a teacher or a dancer. So what happened!!! Well - being anxious to be on my own, I chose to forget University and go straight into the work place. This was at the age of 17 and it took me the next 23 years to see "the light" you might say. At age 41 I became a Counsellor with the Salvation Army and onward to becoming a Pastor. A few years later I saw how God had made my 'kid desires' come true. For the next 20 years I became 'a teacher of the Bible' and for almost 5 years led a 'Creative Movement (dance)' ministry at our church. Voila - teacher and dancer. Great news indeed.

Wow! Double dream come true!!! That is fantastic!

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