I have a dear friend who surfs regularly but I had no idea until I stumbled upon this few minutes ago that people surf with their pets!
Apparently surfing with dogs is one of the coolest things you can do! The dogs on the surf boards seem to be enjoying it too! See the pictures and the video for yourselves!
Photo: OutsideOnline.com
(Photo by Jason Reed/Reuters)

Have you ever done something like this or even considered doing this?
I wonder if the dogs feel comfortable staying on the board. They are all well trained probably!
(Photo by Jason Reed/Reuters)
Apparently the kitties don't want to be left behind either.
Photo: SoBadSoGood.com

I'm not sure if catching air while surfing was something they planned on doing!
Somebody's having second thoughts about being on the surf board!
This is on my bucket list if and when I get a dog I'm gonna teach us to surf the waves! It's probably the second best thing I could on a Sunday morning apart from riding motorcycles!
Content on this post are property of their respective photographers and agencies. They are shared publicly under fair use licence.
Dogs are also great chefs!

Hahah! :D
Hahahahahaah! !!!
U are a gif king @aristotelis !!
google or youtube the skateboarding bulldog - amazing creatures dogs!- great pics
Thank you for the suggestion. I will check it out! :)
This is amazing..! :D

LOL! That's a good observation! :D