i still remember my young days when i am used to watching cartoons, my favourite cartoon was superman and i was a big fan of superman.
As a young boy i av watched superman and wondered how he flies with the cloth tied round is neck....it was so amazing
then one day i decided to see if i could be a superman.
After watching the catoon for that day, i dlooked for a cloth that was like superman cloth, then i tied cloth to my neck (with this i knew i was readly and already a superboy ready to fly) but still confused!!
Now i wanted to test my skills an d techniques to fly...i tried jumping i culdnt fly(confused and wondered how superman flies), then a thought came to me that i should go to a higher place and tried it out since i thought i was an amateur.
I climbed our fence to try to have fun flying.
mehn!! this was one of the crazy day of my life
i jumping from the high fence (thinking i was gonna float in the air).
gbam to the floor i fell, i was suprised i didnt go up in the air....then i tried the next thin if i cud fly
OUR HOUSE IS A STOREY BUILDING, I WENT UP AND STOOD ON THE TOP.........then i prepared my self and jumped
i jumped this time it was just funny the way i landed by the side on my buttock....
managed to go back into the house, it took 6 week for my bones to be back normal.