I bet you put this metalophone instrument there just to make me drool!
Great shots, good to see them under this perspective.
Namaste :)
I bet you put this metalophone instrument there just to make me drool!
Great shots, good to see them under this perspective.
Namaste :)
What is a "metalophone instrument"?
The metalophones are part of the xylophone family, but instead of being made out of "xylo-", meaning "wood", they are made out of metal(s). Last night I ended up at a man's place where he had a whole bunch of very exotic items around the house, including a metalophone from Indonesia. Upon hearing its very first sound, I knew exactly what it was, it surprised him greatly but not even remotely as much as when he pointed at a "Papou Penis Sheath" saying this one, though, you'll never believe what this is. to which I answered almost ecstatically "A PENIS SHEATH"! The shoulder droop told the story very quickly, so I encouraged him by saying that it was simply unbelievable that he actually had one of those as well as a few other items form Papoua-New Guinea, near the same area...
Namaste :)
You are a veritable encyclopedia of the unique!
Thanks! Such a pleasure too, namaste :)