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RE: Is Time Travel Possible?

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

What if the concept of time is a misconception? Holographic Universe model of David Bohm for instance; Time is not a parameter in such model; Molecules are not real in such model; Most of all, All information of the Universe and everything in it, is part of everything.

Another interesting thought is the multiverse model, were we have infinite universes for each and everyone and the combination of all. Quite difficult to understand how this plays out in 'reality', but still interesting.

Time paradox and multiverse, and maybe even the Holographic Universe model and time travel was pretty nicely portrait in the movie Interstellar IMHO. Ok, ok, Interstellar was greatly produced, with super super effects! That helped a lot to propel this movie into my top of favoriete SF (euh, maybe not so SF) movies.

Don't get me wrong, I go along with the scientific community in their efforts and models to try to explain the Universe and everything in it. But we do not know a whole lot, actually. Therefore, anything is possible. Maybe even all the stuff writing in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy maybe more real than fiction; Who knows?! :)


ya cutting edge physics is fascinating but i'd be lying if i said I knew a lot about it
I just wanted to write a few jokes

Interstellar was cool, I especially enjoyed the part where they visited that water planet that orbited a black hole which greatly distorted time. I did foresee the ending though (when he entered the black hole) and found that part to be a little cliche and scientifically unfounded. Nevertheless it was a great movie

Ok Ok, Got You! :)

The ending of Interstellar was indeed not that special, but it is quite hard to visualise a concept where time is not a dimension. At least, that is what I got out of the story and ending, the writer and film producer wanted to bring the concept of time doesn't exists, amongst others. But then again, they wanted to show a lot of different concepts and 'realities', like the time experience versus speed, wormholes and such. All combined doesn't make sense, since when we do not have time as a parameters, wormholes are not required as a model, black holes also not. hahahaha, but I still love the movie :)