The day that I hate the most, but trying to be positive about it since I plan to see many many more Mondays in my life. So after two days of camping on the couch and not thinking about any obligations, I had to switch my brain on working mode and go through 5-minute coffee, upvoting all what happened during the night from my toilet seat, getting dressed, getting in the car, losing my nerves with some granny-driver, cursing, swearing, struggling for a parking place, getting outta car and... SPLASH!
Something green, white, yellow and brown covered my hair, my eyes and it was slipping down to my nose! Since I woke up just 30 minutes ago, it took few seconds for me to realize: motherfucker pooped me.
I looked up and I saw three seagulls flying around!
And one of them just did his morning ritual - on me! Not a half of meter from me! Directly on me! The seagull could do it wherever it wants but no - the damn bird chose exactly this spot to release the demons!
Luckily, these days I am suffering from a cold and I always have a pack of paper tissues with me. People were passing by and laughing at me watching me removing slimy thing from my hair and forehead. Luckily, nothing slipped on my jacket.
I will not give you a satisfaction to mock me and those images were nasty, so I'll spare you from original photography in this content.
When my hair turned black again, I ran straight to my office and went into toilet.
I place my head in sink and washed it. My boss found this behavior unusual for me, so he knocked at the doors of the toilet ans asked do I have diarrhea. I got out and when he saw my wet hair, he immediately realized what happened. he told me that the bird's poop brings luck and that the price of some of my coins will probably jump today...
Thank you! I will upvote your comment to teach you how to do it on my post!
Ha ha nothing terrible !;)It is a sign that money will appear!
hahah..nice sharing
😂 yeah i also heard that bird pooping in us will bring luck..
@dumar022, it doesn't work like that to go and be pooped, it has to happen this way happened to you, to be blessed with poop and money will come..don't kill the massanger...
hahaha, lol!!!
I have had that happen to me as well more than once I know they say it is good luck but it dies not feel like it lol
Hahahaha! True
What can we do clean it off and think positive
I hope you get rich, it being seagull poop and all because it is a lot more than when a pigeon poops on you. I would not invest my money right now, rather check the bakery on your lunch break. I am sure there will be at least more cheese in your burek.
Yeah, that would be nice! At least something
I had one of them do that to me when I was in Boston years ago. I wonder if it's aim was deliberately good. Otherwise, what are odds, right? Or are certain human a magnet for such at certain time of your life. I think the last was true for my camera brights m broke down during the trip.
So, what should I expect today? I'll just print all of my passwords and place it in the safe...
Haha... You should be safe😎
It indeed is luck! So you better start looking if the numbers will grow and if they don't, find that pidgeon. Have a nice day!
Thank you!!!
Neka <3 treba ti pozitivnog znakovlja
Neka, neka
nek te draga čeka
i was having lunch while reading your post and friend, you took away my food!! the way you described all the colors, i just imagined complete incident.. eww ;)
I'm sorry for ruining your meal. Come back again around the lunch time, I'm sure that you could lose some weight ::)))
You are lucky that cows don't fly :P
I was just scrolling through comments to see if someone already wrote that.
Great minds think alike :)
I think the good luck goes to the bird with the good aim. ha ha
Hahaha... Same thing happened to me once during my university days. I adorned the best of my clothes, well prepared for the first semester lectures. I walked majestically down to the lecture hall full of life and aspirations for the semester. While in that utopian state, I heard "gposh". The bat had just released a it's faeces on me. It brushed my hair down to the white I was wearing. As a big boy, I had to hold back the embarasment as I quickly flagged down a motorcycle back to my hostel.
Obafemi Awolowo University has one of the largest population of bats in Africa
Lol, that reminds me on Ace Ventura
LMFAO, maybe some of those 'shitcoins' jumps will get your spinning ;)
I hope so! :)
What a way to start a Monday!! I've had it happen by a smaller bird so I can just imagine how you are feeling. Damn bird didn't bring me luck!
hahahahhaha.... I was chuckling throughout while reading!
Hope the seagull poop brings you good luck in waves :D
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Don't know is it a local thing or global, but my friend use to say that it is a good luck when bird has his 'time' with you ;)
My usual answer is that I AM Very Lucky that elephants does not fly :D
In our country they say it's luck, you know that! :)