
STOPPING BY my FRIEND! :))))) I was thinking of you. :))))) I wanted to wish you an outta this world week and what a HUGE SURPRISE! :))))) An @darsico TRUTH OR DARE! :))))) You made my week! :))))) YES I am more than ready for Spring! :))))) I absolutely love Spring time! :))))) From the sun to the Ladies! :))))) LOL! :))))) I am trying my VERY best to be a GREAT change in your life, just like you are in mine my FRIEND! :))))) It is imperative that I get to AMAZING CANADA. :))))) Especially Montreal in the Summer Time! :))))) I could only imagine the parties there. :))))) OUTTA THIS WORLD! :))))) I want to get to AMAZING CANADA to see you my FRIEND! :))))) I am slowly but surely building up my wallets. :))))) My STEEMIT wallet needs some work, but it is a work in progress. :))))) LOL! :))))) I understand and can resonate regarding changing your route to work! :))))) LOL! :))))) Thank God, I am the farthest from materialistic. :))))) I more than appreciate the little things. Like my 98 Ford Mustang. :))))) In my humble opinion the best things in life are free! :))))) I just have to think of your FRIENDSHIP my FRIEND! :))))) I am so VERY happy that winter is over and it is time to Spring ahead. :))))) Everyone definitely seems happier and nicer Spring time. :))))) I have to grab my dollar store shades and Hanes tank top and enjoy The Spring-Summer 2019 Ready-to-Wear show again! :))))) LOL! :))))) LOVED IT IN SO MANY WAYS! :))))) LOL! :))))) It all of a sudden got extremely hot in here! :))))) LOL! :))))) Then I am going to jam to Stevie Ray Vaughan! :))))) It don't get much better! :))))) What a WONDERFUL POSITIVE saying regarding the Dandelion in the Spring. :))))) I always think that things will change for the better. In my humble opinion you just have to have a little faith and stay positive. :))))) Things change, just like the seasons. :))))) And thank God it is Tuesday today NOT Monday! :))))) LOL! :))))) You are the VERY BEST my FRIEND @darsico! :))))) Your Friend ALWAYS @extraterrestrial :))))) P.S. Sorry about writing a book here. I ABSOLUTELY love and look forward to your posts! They all are outta this world! :)))))

Hi @extraterrestrial sending you my relaxing cool vibes :)))))) Ya back outdoors back to business still a bit quiet but things change fast like a new york minute just beginning my routine again you know like back from vacation :)))) I cherish your friendship and thoughts thank you i am very grateful for your FRIENDSHIP also it's like a day without sunshine :))))) when i don't hear from ya :)))))) well somethings are done and still in testing mode but i think i might have the basic model ready. And you can write as much as you want it's all wanted and very welcome. Spring sounds great sprrrrriiiiinggggg wish i could figure out the notes for that :))))) Yup the girls are hot imagine i worked in a lingerie factory with 210 women and 4 guys when it gets to 32 degrees the ladies have no pride either in the office or the factory (another story here but it might sound like braggin:)))))) Really hope all is well, be well my friend have a Super Fantastic week who knows, might have time to post thank you @extraterrestrial :))))) be well your friend @darsico:)))))

Stopping by and wishing you an outta this world weekend! :))))) Sending the relaxing cool vibes right back at ya! :))))) Thinking of you my Friend! :))))) I had a VERY busy and productive week. I hope and I am sure you did too my FRIEND! :))))) I also cherish your FRIENDSHIP more than words can express! :))))) My sincerest apologies that I have not been on STEEMIT as much as I like and wish to be. Not hearing from you is also like a day without sunshine. :))))) I am so VERY happy to hear that things are coming along and you may have the basic model ready! :))))) Thank you so VERY much for EVERYTHING and not minding me saying whats on my mind! :))))) I know that it is often a lot! :))))) LOL! :))))) Lingerie factory with 210 women and 4 guys and the ladies have no pride with 32 degrees!!!!! :))))) Outstanding ratio! :))))) WOOOOOOWWWWW! :))))) I am so VERY happy to hear that you were able to experience and enjoy that! :))))) I am doing well my Friend, I hope and pray your are too and as you already know you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers! :))))) Your Friend ALWAYS @extraterrestrial :))))) P.S. Thanks again and again for EVERYTHING! :))))) I noticed the a-bot upvote thanks to you! :))))) I am forever GRATEFUL and APPRECIATIVE and I will NEVER forget! :)))))

Hi @extraterrestrial thank you, i wish you a wonderful weekend it's in the air :)))), yeah all those women taught me one thing, that is that i know nothing about women except that they are way smarter than us guys:))))))) i am always thinking of you , you're like a force of nature so much energy :)))))) as you move me into new unknown worlds :)))))) partner :)))))) be well @extraterrestrial you're friend ALWAYS @darsico and i am also very grateful to the universe for our special friendship :))))) it has taught me things i never imagined just feels good :))))) sending more good vibes :))))))

Since I live in an endless summer here in the Philippines, spring would be a nice change of pace.

It is, but after a long cold winter everyone is a little anxious i think it was once called cabin fever :)

You can bet I am ready for spring!

pocketsend:11@darsico, play around with the token of fun - POCKET!

Successful Send of 11
Sending Account: pode
Receiving Account: darsico
New sending account balance: 284722
New receiving account balance: 1129
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 57246e223ad3947e693e368e5ec616720e9db908


Someone sent you some POCKET tokens. POCKET is an experimental sub-token system which operates on the Steem blockchain. It's like having a custom token without SMT. You can also send some to someone else by just commenting on a post with the following command: pocketsend:number_of_token@recipient_name,memopocketsend:10@pocketjs,This is a gift for example to send 10 tokens to @pocketjs, make a comment starting with:

I am running Pocket-JS confirmer code.