Brain Farts #3 ( Names For Thought )

in #funny7 years ago

 Here is a little food for thought. 

if Humanity has been on Earth for a couple Million years, it would be safe to assume that if Humanity was on Earth for the next million years that somewhere along the lines we're going to run out of names.

 I mean really, at one point or another we are eventually going to run out of names. this might not be something I can explain without a good example.

 if you're a gamer and play a lot of MMORPGs at one point or another, when after you create your brand new character to the game, and you try to enter the character's name, but for some reason the name you chose has already been taken. and by the chance  you still want to use that particular name you have to use that name with a lot of numbers and random s*** afterwards. like for instance: Batman becomes Batman77145, snowflake becomes snowflakeXflakeflake or Dave becomes Dave5543.

 I understand the chances of you playing a MMORPG and running across that, has a high probability chance. in real life there's a lot of common names used for a lot of people. let's say if your name was Dave, you're not the only one on earth named Dave more likely there's over a few thousand people named Dave. but when it comes to naming things like for example the Starship Enterprise, Batman Beyond or my personal favorite Xbox One. Sooner or later we're going to have things named really dumb or just like within MMORPGs names will have  numbers after them like Xbox One or PS4.

 if you want to go the mathematical route of this particular thought experiment, yes, we will eventually run out of unique or one-of-a-kind names. I don't mean unique and one-of-a-kind names that don't make sense like hookah bookah or Ookami order.You can only miss and match so many words together that eventually overtime you will run out of variations, most likely to the point where you're making up words to add to the dictionary, or give existing words new definitions like fam or lit.

  in truth this is nothing but a trivial matter, many of us in this generation will be dead long before this ever becomes a thing But just thinking about it. that one day it might become a thing it's just downright weird to be honest. 

 the English alphabet has 26 letters, these 26 letters at first glance can be arranged to make what would seem to be an endless supply of words.However like with everything else in our universe after enough time passes things run out or Change drastically to the point where it's no longer recognizable.100 or a thousand years from now the English language might just change so much, that most of the words spoken will make 0 sense to us nowadays.

 Even today in 2018 there are a few kids out there that have really weird names or just named after random stuff... Pumpkin, violet, demon, quilt, or Monster. These names named stuff at the same time they are people names now. Don't get me wrong I think it'd be cool to have a kid named Demon and just teach him how to be a total dick to people. sooner or later things are going to change massively for the English language. to be honest I think before we run out of words, simple words like bow, straight, clearance or cell will have many many many more definitions or descriptions to them. a good example is lit or fam. at one point LOL had a different meaning then laugh out loud, at one point it meant lots of love.

 Sooner or later naming things in the real world will become a pain in the ass just like in MMORPGs, PSN accounts or Xbox Live accounts.  if you really want to think about it, your kids will have grandkids and their grandkids will have kids to the point where a thousand or few hundred thousand years in the future, A kid named 360noscopedemon  might likely be related to you. 

 Me personally………. I better be related to someone in the future named Monkeymuff280.