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RE: MemeLogic - Blame The NRA

in #funny7 years ago

As long as people are able to carry guns freely we are going to continue hearing these same stories. The memes although at times funny have the unfortunate result of taking away from the seriousness of this issue. How can we poke fun when there are children accidentally killing siblings or friends when they find a loaded gun in the house. Or what about the never ending stream of school shootings. The reality is there is a gun issue and currently nothing seems to be changing. We may be laughing but the learning part is questionable. If we are learning then there should be change. Thanks for the insightful post.


Not sure who was poking fun at children accidentally killing friends and family? This was aimed at an ideology void of evidence to support it. There are 155,000 accidental deaths each year in the US, accidental gun deaths make up about 196 of those, accidental deaths due to prescription and non prescription drugs make up about 63,000 of those, vehicle fatalities are about 38,000. The total number of gun death due to homicide is 6,400 each year in a country of 330million, where about 88% own guns, in my country only 0,3% own guns and our population is 54mil we have about 11,000 gun homicides a year. Just some perspective.

If this was about saving the lives of the innocent, then why not focus on drugs? The fact remains, the authorities knew what he was planning to do, yet did nothing, but instead of placing blame where it should be the answer is to ban guns?