Two days in a row! Awesome! Now I'm gonna be even better than I already am at not trending.
I think Animal Salad is pretty great. Besides the two large creatures, I seem to detect a multitude of smaller creatures, like a dolphin, crocodile, maybe a giraffe or antelope, and some kind of dancing Bugs Bunny thing. Overall it looks very delicious.
Yes, it's a zoo smorgasbord salad bar of the artistic variety. You're not tripping out. Those are really there. Look at that strange ape head for a nose. It's nose has animals too and if you look ever closer you can see a bull charging. This goes on forever. It's not trending worthy though. Clearly, I tried too hard. I'm really sad actually, but I'm hiding it behind my sarcasm like a real man.
I don't see the charging bull, but I believe you that it's there. I probably just lack enlightenment.
It's best if I just keep it to myself so the image becomes a big Where's Waldo game much like how my post doesn't trend since nobody can see me in my big red get up.