
I like comments on my posts from people that read them. I know I talk about "Basic Comments" above such as the "Nice" and "Awesome post" comments - I do appreciate these when they are genuine and not used excessively. If you look at it from my perspective, when I write a post, I spend hours writing it, editing it, creating the cover graphic. I do this because I want to share something fun and exciting with my Steemit followers. Then to receive a bunch of comments where I can tell they never read it - it's kind of a let down.

When I first started posting on Steemit, I had few followers, but the followers I did have left genuine comments. Today I have a few more followers and it seems the amount of genuine comments have declined (or maybe simply blended in with all the upvote seeking comments). It actually gets sickening getting 30 comments on a post (when most of them are fake) and having to research each of them (unless I know the person) to see if they are just posting a basic comment hoping for an upvote or if the comment is real and sincere.

I get many comments from people that say things like "wonderful writing" and "nice chapter of story" - these used to make me happy, but after looking at their profile and finding that they left the same comment a few seconds before and after mine on other posts, I can tell these comments are not sincere and know that they didn't even read my post.

Simply, I just want comments from people that read and enjoy my posts and have something to say about it. If that something they want to say is in the list of "basic comments", that is ok - I just don't like all the fake "one-size-fits-all" comments flooding my posts, knowing they could care less about my post.

Now I think you usually read my posts. But I am sure I don't always upvote your comments. This is due to your comments being buried in a sea of fake ones by others, and after a while of trying to decipher each of them from one another, I admit that I stop looking at the comments.

I am thankful for followers like you that actually read my posts/chapters/short stories.

What inspired this post was actually a "Copycat Comment" by another user that stole the highest upvoted comment on my InBetween 2 Chapter 4 and posted it on Chapter 5. The comment didn't even fit Chapter 5 at all (for the comment was specific to the story-line). I found this disappointing.

I just want less fake comments so I don't miss rewarding the genuine ones that I get :)

Thanks for your response to my post - I appreciate your Genuine Comment! :)