No, and I hope not to. At least not over a little thing like speeding. Some things aren't worth planting my flag in the ground over. Call it "compulsory bootlicking" if you want, I'll call it "self-preservation"
I agree with most of what you're saying. But until more of the population wakes up to their racket, I'm not going to risk my relative freedom, safety or life over a speeding ticket.
You're implying that if I won't assert myself over something small, I'll be too cowardly to assert myself over something big. But my motive isn't cowardice. Some battles are worth fighting, while others, at the current state of our culture would serve no purpose other than causing me great loss.
If you truly believe we must stand our ground against all actions of the state at all times, I expect to see you storming the gates of your city hall with guns blazing.
I would be justified to stand our ground against all actions of the state because they're inherently agressive, but I'm not stupid. I know the world that I live in and I know that picking a fight over every issue will not advance the cause in any way, it will only lead to me losing property, freedom, or even my life.
I'll stand my ground when the cause actually matters. There are far worthier causes than the right to drive 80 rather than 60.
I don't want to lick any boots, but I'd rather not pay fines or get arrested.
No, and I hope not to. At least not over a little thing like speeding. Some things aren't worth planting my flag in the ground over. Call it "compulsory bootlicking" if you want, I'll call it "self-preservation"
I agree with most of what you're saying. But until more of the population wakes up to their racket, I'm not going to risk my relative freedom, safety or life over a speeding ticket.
You're implying that if I won't assert myself over something small, I'll be too cowardly to assert myself over something big. But my motive isn't cowardice. Some battles are worth fighting, while others, at the current state of our culture would serve no purpose other than causing me great loss.
If you truly believe we must stand our ground against all actions of the state at all times, I expect to see you storming the gates of your city hall with guns blazing.
I would be justified to stand our ground against all actions of the state because they're inherently agressive, but I'm not stupid. I know the world that I live in and I know that picking a fight over every issue will not advance the cause in any way, it will only lead to me losing property, freedom, or even my life.
I'll stand my ground when the cause actually matters. There are far worthier causes than the right to drive 80 rather than 60.