In March of this year, whilst walking along London's South Bank one evening I saw a large crowd of people stood around a small, graffiti-covered skate park situated under a bridge. The amount of excitement in the air drew my attention to the crowd of people pointing, taking pictures and generally squeaking with glee. Naturally, I had to go and find out for myself what all of the fuss was about.
Let me tell you, I was not disappointed. In fact, I was so impressed I also threw caution to the wind, took out my phone and started filming the spectacle. Who wouldn't be impressed by a dog happily skateboarding the evening away?
I've been experimenting with Lightworks this evening (which is what led to me stumbling upon these videos), so here's a mashup that I created; of the couple of videos that I took that evening. Enjoy!
That is the coolest dog I´ve ever seen!
I think so too. I'm glad that you enjoyed the video =)
omg!! that's so cute haha
smart pug :-)
This dog is talented. Great footage :).