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RE: Fake or Genuine? - Comment Types With Names & Descriptions (Humor)

in #funny7 years ago

I know what your talking about when you talk about the almost believable complimenting copy/paste comments. I have gotten those thinking "Wow, they really enjoyed my post!" But my smile fades quickly when I see they left the same thing on many other posts seconds before and after (meaning they never even read my post).

When you mention the smarter copy/paste comments - I have gotten ones that steal others comments and change a few of the words to make them seem new. I got one today on a different post of mine, and like deja vu, I was sure I read something similar before. I had - It was a mimic of the highest voted comment on my last post. I almost posted a screenshot of the comment they copied in a reply to their Copycat comment but figured it wouldn't fix anything lol.

I wouldn't worry about falling into the "broken record" or any of my categories above. You seem like a Genuine Commenter and I am happy that you took the time to write such a thoughtful comment on my post! :)


I fear comment thief is going be a big issues down the road. I’ve noticed some of mine get used from time to time. Thankfully most of these people are not very bright and they copy/paste them into places where people get that feeling it’s an “enjar” comment so they go and look if it was stolen from me. Other times I have to waste time dealing with the scumbag myself if I run into it.

The logic some of them use is just mindblowing. It’s like I get there a culture difference and somewhat of a language barrier but no you can’t go around doing that nonsense. We are not a YouTube comment section or a back alleyway in whatever country you live in. We have standards (least some of us lol).