Welcome to my blog! I am a mom of 8 kids and a Pure Romance consultant / Dildo Slinger. We do in home parties with women where we educate women on intimacy issues and sell sex toys. This is one of my stories!
Doing parties with women, you think I would have heard it all. Nope, women never cease to shock me.
This last weekend at a party with 3 women in their late 20's, we were having a great time. All three were married. During the party they begin to tell me about their friend's vagina which is, I quote "like an Arby's sandwich". It was huge! They asked is that normal?
So me, being a sex educator informs them that all vaginas are different, no two are alike and that is the beauty of vaginas. Seems like a great answer and one that would satisfy them and get the party going again, right?
Not only no, but hell no! They keep going.
I am then informed that the girl's vagina looks nothing like their vaginas, and they have seen each other's.
WAIT! Hold up! You have all seen each other's vaginas?
It's at these moments at parties that I am very proud to say, I never miss a beat. I laugh and in my mind, do a tiny freak out, but keep going as if this is perfectly normal. You see I teach, don't yuck on other people's yums, which means whatever you do with your lover is between you, them and God, something I truly believe. It's not that I am yucking, it's more like I am momentarily slapped in the comfort zone with a large fish of What the Hell?!
Perhaps I am a prude, I would not be surprised to be called that, but I have NEVER seen nor shown my vagina to any of my friends. I have seen my friends naked, yes. I have seen friends shower, sit and walk around in the nude. (I share lots of hotel rooms with friend consultants and a few are closet nudists) And in all of these situations, never has one of them spread the lips for a friend on friend examination.
Back to the party, the ladies let me know that they had looked out of sheer curiosity. They had also had a weekend where they would often run to the bathroom together, check out each others boobs and marvel at how beautiful they are.
Perhaps it is time we examine our friendships. Is this the new trend of besties? Can you say that you have seen the most intimate parts of your best friends? If the answer is no, then maybe, just maybe you aren't as close as you think you are.
Go spread the love...........and the vaginas if you choose!
Thank you for reading my blog, follow to hear more of my exciting life as a dildo slinger!
a whole lotta whales joined your party it seems :):), the voting party I mean :P
Thank you for reading!
I was an interesting read. One small suggestion: It is always best to add some credit when using images in your posts. Unless they're yours off course :)
Hmm can not say I have seen my friends vaginas.
And your aren't going to! Haha
You got my vote.. Not sure why exactly. But I think that Whatthehell fish has got to be deep sea because it hits hard.
and yes.. I think it weird too.
Ha! Great response. Thank you for reading!
I think that is rather special. However it think it is cool and speaks for a whole other level of personal freedom and comfort around each other if friends can do that with each other.
Thank you for reading!
If you enjoyed this blog, my next one is up! https://steemit.com/funny/@angelm/the-glow-in-the-dark-bachelorette-party-my-life-as-a-dildo-slinger
Hooray for sexual promiscuity. This all is very unnecessary and if anything it hurts more then helps. Quit obsessing over sex and sex related things. Don't make it out to be more than it really is. Focus on other aspects of life instead?
Turning the lens on you, why do you care so much what someone else does?
I don't, it just makes for fun stories!
I was addressing @padrone-bally :P
If you enjoyed this blog, my next one is up! https://steemit.com/funny/@angelm/the-glow-in-the-dark-bachelorette-party-my-life-as-a-dildo-slinger
Thank you for reading! I actually wasn't trying to turn the story into something sexual, although it seems a few of the readers have taken it that. It's really just about the intimacy of friendship and how close are you willing to be?
Thanks for feeling comfortable enough to share this... lol, yea that seems rather interesting that your friends are REALLY into checking each others vaginas out... lol. Funny shxx..

Thank you for reading it, glad you enjoyed it!
If you enjoyed this blog, my next one is up! https://steemit.com/funny/@angelm/the-glow-in-the-dark-bachelorette-party-my-life-as-a-dildo-slinger
Hahah , sure i'm gona present this to my wife lol . I wanna see how much vaginas she saw
Awesome! Thanks for reading.
I have just read your previous post , it's hilarious . Following from now , not for me it's for my wife's sake ;) .
If you enjoyed this blog, my next one is up! https://steemit.com/funny/@angelm/the-glow-in-the-dark-bachelorette-party-my-life-as-a-dildo-slinger
I'd like to check out your friends vagina's ;)
Are we talking about steemy vaginas?
Just when I thought Steemit was getting a little dry, I run into THIS. Great weird story that thankfully has landed on the hot page, or else I wouldn't have found it. Now Ill be adding you to my feed and expecting MORE WEIRD STORIES!
I do think that friends showing each other their bits is extremely odd. I know I have never done such a thing! However, maybe one of the friends is bi or a lesbo. I have noticed how if one friend is one way, then the others just sort of follow along, are influenced. maybe that is what's going on.
I grew up with a revulsion and repulsion of anything related to vaginas. Do you think that is because of the puritan leftovers regarding repression of sexuality? I still thing they are quite disgusting and strange.....our feelings are not based in logic obviously.
Thank you so much! That was an amazing comment and greatly appreciated. I completely agree that when one friend opens up then the others do follow. Absolutely, our entire country has been effected by our puritan background. We are extremely modest compared to other countries in body consciousness. I think as time goes on, we get further and further away from those feelings and behaviors. I know my mother cannot even say the word vagina. She is greatly appalled when I do so in front of her much to my amusement. Imagine her feelings when I would tell my 4 boys to stop holding their penis in her presence!
I personally do believe we should love and embrace the beauty of our vaginas, that being said I will not be one of those women with a mirror spending hours studying it.
Glad to have you hear and look forward to more of your comments!
If you enjoyed this blog, my next one is up! https://steemit.com/funny/@angelm/the-glow-in-the-dark-bachelorette-party-my-life-as-a-dildo-slinger