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RE: Anonymous No More😎

The day has arrived!!! Yay!!!

You are so beautiful!

I thought you are old women due to the wide knowledge you have. But you are so young! With amazing great brain. And big heart!

Love you already. And love love love

So much energy and vigour in you.

The other one is @bluefinstudios?


Hahahhahaha!!! Well.i am old 😂😂😂😂😂

Yes! Blue was here that week!!! You can hear his voice in the video for May 5 (I posted yesterday)

I have a great picture of us together.... But he is still a little bit anonymous hehhee

I've been so busy and so quiet with working behind the scenes for Monkee...but now is the time to slowly come.back and share what I'm doing! I'm.just trying to have lots of fun and enjoy the process!

😍 Miss you!!!! Tell Jayden that Monkee Capt'n Dreemie says hiiiiiiii!!!!