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RE: #9 What is it? First to guess right wins!

in #fun7 years ago

Last guess - spending far too much time on this this time!!!
Cumulopuntia boliviana - basically, some type of cushion cactus, also known as a mother-in-law cactus!!! (I know, right?!)
There seem to be a number of related species - not all of whom recognize the international border between Bolivia and Chile... But they generally look a bit like this.

(Image address from Atacama Photo - used only for demo purposes)


My other guess would be an alpaca who wandered too close to one of these...

hahahah that is funny, lol... It's common name was a woolly cactus. Someone guessed it now :) Sorry I got the desert wrong, should have googled it before saying no.

I actually need to check whether the Altiplano is part of the Atacama... probably, but I'm not sure.

My English deserted me for that one! "Woolly!" not hairy or furry... :-p

Good one though!

Thanks, yeah I did say it was a simple name, where are you from and what is your native language?

American English - as opposed to British/Aussie English. I am bilingual there, but we just don't say "woolly" in the US very often!

haha, I'm not sure we do in Australia either.

@viking-ventures This one looks pretty cool too. there were so many awesome ones at the flower dome that I had problems picking on to use lol..