Greeting friend socky, I know you are a man loving automotive mechanics and your help advising people on the subject, once I wrote you mentioning my vw Kombi food truck, unfortunately shortly after writing to you, the engine of the truck. (I leave the link at the end).
I live in Venezuela and here the economic situation is a bit complicated, I am an industrial mechanic and I earn an equivalent of 10 US dollars per month to support the family. and as much as I try to raise the money, I have to spend it on food for the family, I am working in Steemit publishing every day to gather around 500 SBD to repair the vw kombi.
It will be possible to obtain from you an ascending vote once a day to help me reach the proposed goal to repair the vw Kombi.
Later, once I repair the VW, I will start a project for the children of the favelas of the metropolitan area of Caracas.
do not feel committed, or forced to do so, actually I am being sorry to write this lines.
I say goodbye @theonlyway
Below I attach the links.