What do you think it means?
Expressions are a huge part of the Dutch language! I must say that living outside of the Netherlands almost makes me forget about this, though going back home really throws me back into an ocean of expressions and I can't stop laughing about the silly nostalgia.
Good morning, good afternoon or good night, wherever you are!
A long time ago I had the What Dutch People Say-series and I'd like to continue with it during these unsure times to still make you smile from behind your computer or mobile screen.
So here goes!
I will reveal the answer this weekend to keep the suspense going -- Googling is not allowed and Dutch people aren't allowed to guess! I keep you in the holes 👀

I write about travel, HIVE, design, food, life and any thoughts I have!

I'm going to guess that it's similar to the English idiom: "to flog a dead horse". Basically, bringing up dead issues.
I didn't know about "to flog a dead horse"! Bringing up dead issues actually sound about right!
I'll take a guess without googling.
My guess is based on your examples is that it means bringing up issues that are embarrassing, controversial or otherwise apt to break social harmony that have already been resolved a long time ago and where an informal agreement exists to let them be.
In short, when you say "stop taking old cows from the ditch" to someone you're chastising them for not letting bygones be bygones.
Hey! Thanks so much for responding :D As promised, here's the explanation!
Your guess is veeery close, haha! It can literally be any type of story that has happened in the past. Can be something embarrassing too! The situation is almost forgotten, but not quite.
Apparently it's origin is that farmers had to fish out the dead, drowned cows from the ditches.