The Avatar world!! AMAZING WORLD AND HISTORY,!!! I love it

in #fun6 years ago (edited)

I was recently on the internet inquiring about how you can implement the new technologies in ecodesign and I found a recommendation, a series of Nickelodeon something old, so to speak, called "The legend of the avatar: the last Airbender" and to tell the truth it reminded me a little to my childhood, because it reminded me that in my elementary school years they passed the series in their channel but I never gave importance, but I don't know why but it intrigues me too much and look for the series and decided to see it on Netflix.


This series consists of three seasons of between 18 and 21 chapters each, something short to tell the truth, and each duration was 20 minutes so it took me only 3 days to see it. At the beginning of the series explain how the world is populated by four nations and each of them has the ability to dominate or control an element, earth, fire, air and water respectively, but also explain that there is only one person in the world who is able to master the four elements and is in charge of establishing peace on the planet.


In the first season make it clear that the avatar disappeared for almost 100 years causing the balance to be lost, as the nation of fire begins to invade other nations just at the moment the avatar disappears. But when the avatar reappears they begin in an arduous search to capture him, so he and his friends begin a journey around the world helping to reestablish the balance.

Something curious that is said on numerous occasions throughout the series is that there is an avatar cycle, that is, the avatar has existed for many years on the planet and when it dies it is reborn but in another nation following a kind of cycle that is earth, fire, then air and finally water and the cycle begins again and basically if he dies he will be born again in the other nation but they never know what person is because he reincarnates in another body and not even the avatar itself knows that he is the new avatar. Also, It should be noted that not all people are not able to master the elemntos, as people around the world who can not do it, regardless of whether both parents can, is something curious and they never explain it in the series.

This series explains, in addition, that the avatar must learn to master all the elements and this must travel the world in search of teachers, which is somewhat complicated because the entire planet is at war and the avatar is wanted by a whole nation as an enemy. Basically this is, in short, everything that this particular series is about and how to restore balance and peace. If it is true that I entertained and enjoyed all the episodes. 

But I really do not write this post to do a review of it, but rather explain how this world works since there are many questions, for example, why some people can not master the elements? How was the first avatar? Why are the nations separated? How is the spiritual world and why only the avatar can go? How many avatars have existed? How was that planet formed? How did the first teachers learn to handle the elements? Is there really only one avatar or can they coexist more? Is it possible to achieve peace on a whole planet? among others, which can be countless. However, many questions were answered in another series called "The Avatar Legend Korra" which deals with the next avatar to Aang and was born in the water nation or water tribe. So we can explain what is happening in this world in parituclar.



So, we have a planet that is a believer in the spirits, both bad and good, but since it is possible that only the avatar is the only one capable of being in the spirits world and of communicating with them, will it be that the avatar is a kind of God? According to the series and its chronology, the avatar should have a kind of spiritual guide, this in turn if it should be possible to travel to the spirits world through meditation, since the airbenders are the only ones who could take this role, but not they are all, are just some who have had a long life and experience in meditation, so really other people are able to go but it is very complicated to achieve since You must leave your body and take this trip.

If you are a noble person, patient and with a good method of meditation you could reach the world of speritus, but if something comes to pass with your spirit on this trip you can not go back to your body, strange enough, right? it's like a dream space or what some people explain as body-soul separation, since most people have had if not an experience as such, an approximation of what the body's unfolding or what the more believers call the body-soul separation. Who has not been woken up by a jolt, as if we had fallen from some height to the bed where until that moment we were asleep. Or who has not received in a dream a premonition that leaves a deep impression on us. These seem to be the manifestations of that other body that animates us and has endowed us with consciousness. The question is, perhaps, to know how to listen to the language of the soul; So in this world people would have the ability to control these peculiar situations.

This is really because in the beginning of time, in the series, the humans lived in harmony with the speritus, however, numerous problems arose between them and the humans and they went into chaos, that is why the first avatar, the avatar Wang , decided to close the portal between said world and where only he, apparently, was able to be in both places as a kind of bridge between them and thus establish a peace. is actually confusing because in some occasions the spirits can appear in the human world and help or cause harm, how is this possible? for if a human by practice and meditation can appear in the spiritual world, in turn, the spirits could appear in the human world, but all or only some? we do not know very well, but the spiritual life is on the shoulders of the air nomads who have Tibet features since they are monks who live in the mountains surrounded by nature and full of peace, in addition to their vegetarian diet.

Well, speaking of spirits, they are the ones that carry a great weight in what would be the balance of the planet and of the humans themselves, in spite of the difficult relationship that exists. But it is thanks to them, so to speak, that the first avatar existed and this is where things get complicated. In the beginning of time humans and spirits coexisted in the same place thanks to the existence of two portals that connected both worlds, but there are two great spirits, Raava and Vaatu, who fight every 10,000 years for the destiny of the plan. Raava wins a battle that would mean 10,000 years of peace and light and if Vaatu won it would be the opposite, so in the beginning the balance of the planet was in the hands of the two of them, but how this balance ends in the avatar's hands?



As explained humans and spirits lived in the same world, but despite the great spirit Raava won every 10,000 years, humans and spirits could not coexist so a few turtle lions, a kind of gods, let humans live in their immense carapasons forming their cities, however, from time to time humans go out in search of food and these gods gave them the ability to control an element that is specific for them to protect themselves from the spirits, but upon returning this ability was eliminated. One day Wang was expelled from the city for certain crimes and a lion turtle gave him the ability to control the fire to defend himself in the forest.

then, in the forest this encounters a fight between Raava and Vaatu and it is here when his journey to control the four elements begins, by allying with Raava he accompanies him in the search for other turtle lions that grant him the ability to master the other elements but it is only possible if Raava and Wang link energy, which is very strange, it can be like mixing the soul with the spirit but it can only be for a few minutes because Wnag could die.

Then, in the battle between Raava and Vaatu, Wand decides to get involved and use all the elements, this happens in what would be in the line of the planets with the sun forming what they call harmonic convergence. in the transition of the battle Vaatu becomes stronger while Raava is increasingly weak and despite the help of Wang this does not succeed in defeating Vaatu so they decide to mix energies to use the other elements but even so this does not work, however, at the last moment Wang keeps in touch with the light produced by the harmonic convergence and being mixed energy with Raava, they manage to mix energies until the end of time, beginning the cycle of the avatar in order to defeat Vaatu the times necessary.

At the end of this battle, Wang decides to close the portals that connect the spiritual world with the human world in order to prevent the spirits and people from destroying each other. This is where the turtle lions stop protecting humans and force them to live in the forest to make their cities there, but decided not to give them more power to control the elements, but when closing the portals some people obtained the skill of control them in the same way, here is the reason why only some are considered teachers and others are not.


A curious fact of the turtle lions, is that they had the ability to control the energy which gave them the ability to grant such great power to the people, besides, there was never any contact between the four turtles of the turtles, that is, that people did not know about the knowledge of other cities and that they could control other elements. So when they were forced to live in the forest they started new conflicts between all humans causing great wars, so their had a way of living in harmony if they separated into nations around the world.



Living in a world where people have the ability to control elements must be a great experience, since feeling all that power within a person must be something inexplicable. But as we know, human beings are made to evolve according to time and in this world should not be the exception. Of course, having that power they had to learn to master it so as not to destroy each other, so the first teachers had to be born of that element, for example, the nomads of the air learned to control the air thanks to the bison , because these with their big tails could create great extensions of air; The first fireworks were the dragons so people began to learn from them through breathing and body movements; the moles were the first land masters, since with their feet and their tails they could move the earth; and finally the first water teacher was the moon because people discovered that this was the cause of the movement of the waves of the sea.

And having many years of experience could have created extensions of those skills, or rather some variants.

The control water can have other extensions in addition to controlling large extensions of water, as we know, a large part of the planet is composed of water, so controlling this element would be strange. So, we have the blood control that is to control the water molecules contained in the blood and failing to control the whole body of the person as a puppet; Control plant that is to control the water that the plants have inside with everything and branches, leaves, roots, etc .; Methods of healing because some water masters have the ability to heal themselves with water; Snow control because the water masters have the ability to turn liquid water into ice and water; All control that is a combination between control land and water control where water moves with everything and land.

the control earth can be extended enough, for example, there is the control mud that is to move all the mud from the earth parts; Metal control is possible thanks to the fact that part of the metals are composed of earth and they manage it with a lot of training; Lava control where the land masters can alter the temperature of the earth increasing it and thus forming magma; Sense seismic because with a lot of dedication and a good sense in the body can be able to know where things are including people inlcuyendo and feel their heartbeat.

In the control fire is not left behind, we have Lightning control which is the ability to create rays with the fingers; Blue fire that is a more dangerous and powerful type of fire; Levitation with fire is that being able to fly making fire with the feet and the hands.

Finally, the nomadic airs also has other amazing abilities such as Levitation that only two people in the avatar world have managed to do; Cloud control that is to create clouds and use them as another help tool; Spiritual injection that is basically the role of the spiritual guide of the avatar since it manages to make that spirit leaves his body at any time and place.

As can be seen, people can get to perfect their skills and go beyond expectations. The world of the avatar is very peculiar, in addition to exister the problems that exist in the real world, have to deal with the different skills of people but make it clear that if they work together this is not an obstacle. You can notice that people have a spiritual bond, which is really the same as some people refer to religion as it is a way of feeling safe in the world.

Also, this kind of skills can talk about a person's emotions and their way of being, because the firebenders can have anger inside and the fire can be a reflection of it, instead the airbenders are very calm and carry a relaxed life. You can see various things in this world that could be very scary and extraordinary but the only thing I can say is that you see both series and I hope you enjoy them.


Thanks for upvote!
