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RE: Life Is About Fun. II, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #fun7 years ago

Nice piece! Most people live their lives as if they were acting a script. Once they miss a line, they try to start all over again not because they need to satisfy themselves but because they want to please the world.

Instead of scripting your life to please the world, do a freestyle acting by experimenting with lots of things. When you fail at it, don't start all over. Instead, try to continue from where you failed and use your failed experiment as a learning strategy.


Oh my!. This is amazing. Perfect and i enjoyed this comment so much. You nailed every part of it and it is self explanatory. Brilliant. Thanks a lot for this beautiful comment.

Most people live their lives as if they were acting a script. Once they miss a line, they try to start all over again not because they need to satisfy themselves but because they want to please the world.

Love it!.