Goodday pioneers of the blockchain.
Today it is anti-smoking day worldwide. And that is fine in itself. Because smoking is bad. And no child should want to start. So I do not want to be an example in that, smoking is not cool. Yet markuh & I smoke another joint and drink a coffee. It helps us to concentrate on blogging. To be creative original artists of the chain. Trade like bosses
For now have a chil night or day.

@loonatic & @markush
Yeah, set that tone! This blockchain needs an enema!
What you guys are doing is incredible...smokers observing a non-smoking day.
You deserve upvote, resteem and a round of a applause.

you are to kind =)
Thank you @loonatic
Wat een gekken haha
I think I can learn a lot of you guys. Keep it up 👊🏻
lol :)