Full Wedding Photography Gallery

Good morning Steemians,

I wanted to share with you a full wedding photography gallery. As a photographer, when I'm posting to social media and sharing my images online, I have to choose only a handful of the best images from each shoot to share. There are a lot of reasons for this, most notably to culminate a small but precise portfolio of work with a wide range of subjects and settings, which will capture and engage my audience of potential clients, instead of boring them with too many similar images from one shoot. Typically, I'll choose between one and six images, occasionally going up to about a dozen.

However, from time to time, I like to share a full gallery. Typically, my weddings average three- to four-hundred images, but this particular wedding is five-hundred images. This shows my potential clients what they can expect to see from beginning to end of a long, busy, beautiful, fun wedding day, from the moment they begin getting ready in the morning, until well after sunset celebrating on the dance floor. I hope you enjoy.