How to navigate on a sphere, history of tools
Our grandfather would turn around in their graves if they would know, we are discussing flat earth today
Earth is a tiny sand corn captured by the sun travelling with approx. 35000 mph together with trillions of suns in our milky way. We can measure that (redshift) so no magic mystery. There are trillions of milky ways. I think Flat earthers just suffer from cognitive dissonance and theirfor refuse to accept, that we are not the center of anything, we have Zero importance when it comes to the galactic big game. Face it. Sun will burn out of fuel and grow to a red dying giant, earth and planets will be thrown out of their orbital balance , maybe some pieces will be recaptured by gravitational forces and form new planets over the following 300 million years later. Our importance in that whole big game is very close to ZERO.
How to navigate on a sphere, history of tools

Our grandfather would turn around in their graves if they would know, we are discussing flat earth today
Earth is a tiny sand corn captured by the sun travelling with approx. 35000 mph together with trillions of suns in our milky way. We can measure that (redshift) so no magic mystery. There are trillions of milky ways. I think Flat earthers just suffer from cognitive dissonance and theirfor refuse to accept, that we are not the center of anything, we have Zero importance when it comes to the galactic big game. Face it. Sun will burn out of fuel and grow to a red dying giant, earth and planets will be thrown out of their orbital balance , maybe some pieces will be recaptured by gravitational forces and form new planets over the following 300 million years later. Our importance in that whole big game is very close to ZERO.