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RE: No more votes for you!!!

There are so many "self-voters" on Steemit, though. Hell, most - if not all - major stakeholders self-vote. I don't even think it's wrong, by the way. However, it can be to the detriment of the platform. The market decides, really.

I just don't see why bernie is being targetted, but not any of dozens and dozens of others who always get to get away scot-free with their "self-votes".

I guess bernie is an easy target because he's already disliked.

It's a lot riskier to go against a popular figure like an exyle.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

I've heard crap about you, but personally I have not had many experiences with you, and I choose to draw my own conclusions. So, I'm engaging in a civil conversation.

I'm not the biggest fan of the bid bots myself - I'm against them more than I am for them - but I can still defend their good points. So, it seems a little silly to put someone on the shitlist just for defending bot owners.

And I'm sad to say, but dTube had issues with the buffer the last time I was trying to actively use it. I've had better experiences recently, though.

As for the second point... I dunno. What do you people really expect to get when you attack him? You attack him and talk shit about him, and then you get offended when he flags you?

You reek what you sow. At least that's what my mom taught me when I was a kid.


You do care about my downvotes. Look at how much time you're wasting being all fucking butthurt.

You're a pathetic child who can't control his emotions. That's obvious.

You realize I can just buy votes with all of the Steem I'll be brining in from selling my votes, right?

Half-baked retard.

I will be doing neither, so have fun!!!

Dtube's buffer, along with the rest of the site is amateur made trash. That's a fact.

Also, you're fucking poor and your vote has 0 effect on me. So there's that too...

How does @fulltimegeek's cock taste in your mouth hymendanger?