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RE: If I delegate 30k SP to you, will you shill for me like all of @fulltimegeek's supporters?

The n2 didnt have these problems.
But proof of wallet beat out proof of brain.

Until steem goes back to its roots, proof of profit will continue to stop steem's adoption, imo.

We had this, but stinc changed the rules to benefit themselves.
So much so that they had to push dan out from his own game.


Good for Dan :)

Well, the sock puppets haven't been unmasked, yet, so I wouldn't get too free with the kudos.

True. And it's not a kudo to Dan. It's just a fact that he left one ship of fools in time to embark on an even bigger one :)

It still could all be a set up to fleece the suckers, it just got feelings of being a real boy for a little while,...