HOMO GALACTICA +++ Alice in Wonderland DEEP Intel Drop

in #fulldisclosure7 years ago


Triangulated data sources from all aspects of power structures in our society are coordinating an effort to overthrow a bloody empire of destruction of our sphere, the Earth. Ancient Hivites hated Yahweh's chosen Jewish people. The Jews back in ancient times were not able to completely destroy these Hivite peoples, or the Philistines, for they had "iron chariots", and some may have even been giants, whose remains have been found by modern scientists. With our modern knowledge of the world, what do you imagine an "iron chariot" could be? What of some "sphere within a sphere", as it was referred to as in the Book of Ezekiel. Hmm, some type of technology / vehicle perhaps?

One with only a primitive technological know-how would not be able to comprehend something with a torsion propulsion drive/ion drive, laser beams, LED lights, microchips, plasmic/magnetic fields of energy and technology back in times of old could never be comprehend by the common people of those times.


The True Version of History is difficult to decipher, because in one generation, all of a society's written records can be destroyed in a single cataclysm, such as a global flood, which has happened in our planets history multiple times - the most recent time was 10,500 years ago BC. This megalithic flood has been proven true via the scientific method with the geological scientific work done by Robert Schoch and Bauval who conclusively showed water- weathering on the base of the Great pyramid in Egypt, thereby showing that the last time water was in that area was 10,500 BC, so conservatively it is at least that old, but then one must ask, how many thousands of years of water being there had to have happened for it to be as badly weathered as it is today, making it likely even thousands of years older... Who built it, and the other pyramids all around the world? The collective doesn't know, yet.

Ancient Egyptians knew of this knowledge and multiple floods before it, spanning back at least 30,000 years of Earths history, because they gave this knowledge to Solon, who then told it to Plato. These hidden texts are stowed today in the Vatican Libraries, which they "acquired" in a roundabout way from the Library of Alexandria, before the Library was burned to the ground.

Oh yea, and according to these Egyptians and Solon, just as surely as you must know who your own true grandmothers and grandfathers are, it is true that all of the gods of old were actually what we would now, in our modern day, refer to as "extra-terrestrials", because there were hybrids back then, engineered demigods to see over and rule a given geographical area in Europe/Asia and the whole entire World.

These ETs originate somewhere else in the vastness of space, away from our medium size star on the outskirts of this medium sized galaxy, which is only one galaxy out of at least a hundred billion, probably out of Infinity.


Who seeded all of the conscious life of this sphere, this planet, as a garden experiment? Which they themselves would play a role in, and eventually, through the preservation of Free Will, the surface population of Earth could collectively be possibly able to evolve its consciousness; technologically and spiritually to the point where we master technology, and we can eliminate our need to use fossil fuels and/or money of any kind.

Instead, why not use currencies based on assets and the free energy that is around us every single day in the form of gravity in our third dimension. This concept of gravity is not simply an apple falling down - it is a perpetual force of Infinite energy, which at a higher level is actually that of the Love of you from your Infinite Creator, pouring down on you every instant of every day.

These theories of gravity have to do with hyper-dimensional physics models, not taught in our surface society's universities, because it would bankrupt the energy companies overnight, causing millions of people to go instantly jobless, and this is why these types of models have been kept classified as "disruptive technologies", developed secretly instead, in black budget of untold trillions of $USD.

All of these thousands of models and more exist, and they should be developed for the good of all mankind. Google patents already exist on the public record for electric spacecraft.

triangular spacecraft JPG.jpeg

vril craft.gif

Through communication, trade, logistics, ideas, and other positive aspects of human nature, we could shoot for the stars collectively, living true our deepest dreams and desires for our race of people: Homo Galactica!

We will meet again more so with Intelligent Infinity, which we have not, as a collective world, experienced fully in thousands of years. Ages of time on the Zodiac, which is encoded with the Precession of the Equinoxes, the Earth's wobble, which surely no primitive civilization could ever know of. Heck, we just learned about precession of the equinoxes recently in the past couple hundred of our years. This is how we know we are not the pinnacle of the theory of evolution, because there was surely more intelligent life on the Earth before we existed, that built the megalithic Wonders of the World many thousands of years ago, which were perfectly aligned with the stars, meaning the necessity of knowledge of the precession of the equinoxes was necessary in their construction/architecture.

This does not discount the theory of evolution entirely - for surely it is possible for a single-celled organism to evolve into a sentient species on any given world, eventually forming the intelligent expression of a bi-sexual society and so and and so forth.

However, this did not happen with regard to homo sapiens. It is impossible to lose a couple DNA chromosomes in only a couple hundred-thousand years- that type of thing should take millions of years. We have not so much as a fingernail of a "missing link" to go along with this theory, and the "pre-human" ancestors remains we have found archeologically speaking on Earth have nearly twice as dense bone structure. Therefore, it is far more likely that there was a splicing that occurred with our DNA, AKA INTELLIGENT GEO-ENGINEERING, which left us with all sorts of blood types and genetic disorders, not normally found in the natural animal kingdom. Also, we are not fit to survive on the surface of the natural world, and instead, we rely on technology to manipulate our natural surroundings, to provide shelter, irrigation, farming, sanitation, etc.

This all means that our histories need to be re-written, and all of our academics of science and technology need to be altered to contain knowledge of True History. The last person who tried to advance people to the Stars was JFK. Even though he was assassinated by GHWB and others, he did not die in vain. The Deep State has no chance of a future on our Earth, because a new financial system is going to take over, which will stop all of the debt slavery! And this is just the start.

If a people does not know where they have been, in their so-called "past", they could have no idea of where they are going in the future. If we keep making the same mistakes we made yesterday, today, then we will have the same problems tomorrow that we have today. The worst evils of our Earth deal in human trafficking and these organized evils are being exposed 100% via 2450 x 1440 cosmos.jpg#FULLDISCLOSURE.


Fascinating. I actually did my degree in archaeology as a science and I'm sad to confirm (whether people believe me or not) that the true history is not what we are taught in school or shown in film. I've seen contradictory archaeological evidence be destroyed rather than examined as it would upset the mainstream narrative of history.

You mentioned global flood events which mainstream science has continually dismissed as not having occurred stating that there is no evidence for one ever having existed however these scientists are relying on two or three points.
1)The public don't understand the process of fossilisation which requires the organic material to have been encased in wet sediment soon after death and meaning that most fossils were formed because the creature either drowned or died just before a major flood event.
If you take dinosaurs for example and just consider the fact that what the average person seems to believe is that dinosaurs dropped down dead and lay in situ undisturbed long enough to be fossilised to the point where skin or feather impressions are visible. This isn't possible. It ignores natural decomposition, predation and scavenging.
2)Whilst most people claim to be sceptics they believe what scientist tell them without the same proof they demand from the average religious person. Why? Scientists have their own human agenda just like anyone. What I find amazing is that the very same money and power hungry people who were drawn to religious orders in the past are the ones drawn to science now, because religion is actually the precursor of science. In ancient civilisations reading and writing was a very specialised skill which only priests had and that's actually where medicine originated with the shaman, then priest, then scientist. There's no difference.

You also mentioned the wheel within a wheel and how an Bronze or Iron Age person might describe a spacecraft in this manner. (Ezekiel 1:16 KJV)

The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.

I agree and I think that the bible has further proof of advanced technology, more people would see this I think if they stopped dismissing all religion out of hand as belief in the "supernatural" which they take to mean "magic" but in fact simply means "beyond nature" or rather our limited understanding of such. For example Exodus 19:16-25 where it talks about God descending on Mount Sinai seems like some sort of advanced craft or technology.

In fact much of Exodus with the burning bush or the pillar of cloud/fire which lead the Israelites through the desert, why couldn't this simply be holographic technology? If you lived in the Bronze Age wouldn't the iPhone seem supernatural to us? Even the parting of the red sea points to advanced technology.

Lastly consider the virgin birth of Jesus and the fact that humans can already recreate that "miracle" using IVF. I think that what Neil Armstrong was talking about as truth's protective layers was actually how closed minded and unimaginative the average person seems to be. They're fed an idea and they just run with it, never taking the time to investigate or consider for themselves.

Excellent response! Thank you for that.

I am at a loss for why the pictures I uploaded to accompany this article are not viewable... Were they viewable when you read the article? As I am new to this site, I admit it could be user error, but also, I know that in discussing controversial topics, many efforts to sensor this secret space program information have been done on other formats. I have personally experienced such.

I agree with everything you said, and think oft about how if we as modern humans travelled simply one hundred years to our past with LED lights, holograms, and devices operated by microchips, how the society, if superstitious in nature, could likely be persuaded to worship us as gods of some kind. This certainly would be true of a civilization operating on a hunter/gatherer barter society.

Yes, your pictures were view-able when I first read your article and I can see them now. I didn't realise that there was a problem with them. Perhaps if you can't see them yourself the issue is with your browser. I'm using Chrome if that is of any help.

You're right about people 100 years ago and how they might view our technology. If you look at science fiction from the early 1900s you can see that it really isn't that far off of what we can do now. Even certain aspects of science fiction from as late as the 1960s with Star Trek has already become scientific fact in terms of our handheld communication devices which are also powerful computers. Even genetic modification which they mentioned when they talked about the eugenic wars isn't too far wrong in terms of the ability of scientist now.

As to a hunter-gatherer society worshipping or fearing us, you're completely correct. As you know, if we look at anthropological studies of recent hunger-gatherer groups (not that there are any who remain unmolested) or just less technologically advanced people still living today, we can therefore get a sort of idea how people who lived thousands of years ago might have seen us if we had turned up. It's not outside of the realm of possibility to believe that ancient cultures were in fact describing aliens in their limited way when they described their gods.