Those models work hard to get famous enough that someone will pay them to see their beauty. It's not your place or right to distribute pictures that belong to them or the photographers who paid the models for their time.
If the owner of those pictures are ok with people distributing the pictures, that's fine, but otherwise, respect the fact that a widely distributed picture loses its monetary value and therefore cannot be sold for the price the photographer would expect.
By posting pictures that are not yours, you are denying the workers their wage. You are, in effect, preventing those workers from earning their living.
Not all models are 'Supermodels' with pay reflecting that status. Most work long hours for little reward and cannot afford for their income stream to be sliced by people declaring everything should be free.
I asked in your other post, how do you earn your living? Would you do your work for free?
If not, then don't expect it of anyone else. Don't steal other people's creativity. That's not freedom, it's theft.
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