in #ftin5 years ago (edited)
111.jpgIn current days we're all overwhelmed with amount of content created out there and social media being used to promote such a content.

Choosing right platform for our daily activity and trying to find out which one of them are worth our time isn't easy at all.



Recently I've been focusing my efforts on building strong community and followerbase on Steemit, moving almost completely away from Facebook and Twitter. I'm not very happy with amount of censorship on those platforms and for that particular reason I've been commited fully into Steemit.

LINKEDIN - place to be?


However my own brother is encouraging me to build my presence also on Linkedin and he claims that in current days, this is place to be for everyone who dreams to be entrepreneur. And today I would like to hear your view and feedback. I'm also wondering how many Steemians do actually use this B2B platform and what's your experience so far.

My initial worry is the fact, that Linkedin seem to be fully centralized and currently more and more users seem to shift their interests towards decentralized platforms, build on blockchain. We all seem to value our privacy and at the same time (what an irony) we're seeking as much transparency as possible.

Also I'm wondering if Linkedin is selling our data to advertisers? I didn't really see any ads so far and it's becoming hard for me to understand their business model. And I like to understand things :)



I really hope learning from your experience will help me make wise decision: should I or should I not invest my time into building account on Linkedin. Is this place worth attention or is it another "ghost town" where hardly anyone is being active?

Drop a comment below explaining your 3 biggest reasons why it's worth joining

Share your feedback with me and others. I read, reply and upvote (with 25K Steem power) all valuable and interesting comments

ps. I've created my own profile and if you're on linkedin and would like to connect, then add me:

Yours, Piotr

There are 2 pages

Hi Piotr,
good topic indeed.

  1. I think LinkedIn is quite different from those Facebooks and Twitters, because its a "job seeking" social network. From time to time, you search for some kind of job opportunity or you offer it to someone. And for that reason its good.
  2. Surely they are not so perfect, while trying to convince you to give them your email and password "to reach more people" from your email list. This is a sh*tty forcement I really don't like. Your password should stay at your client, thats it. It could be leaked from someone etc.
  3. For headhunters its great, because you simply focus on abilities and qualities, that people have (and fill in their profile). So if someone wants to be caught by a headhunter, one should fill the profile as much as possible.
    PS. 4. Crypto - I think even for crypto people its a good tool. People are having kind of more professional attitude in there, so you can feel "in better company" while talking with the same people. And also photos on the profiles lookes different than in fb (sometimes too much, but it comes with it).


Late thank you for your amazing comment @ritxi

LinkedIn is the only centralized platform that I use. While I’d prefer to use a decentralized platform at least LinkedIn is 1) professionally focused (with generally professional behavior); 2) doesn’t appear to censor crypto and 3) is owned by a more mature company. (Microsoft) that has learned its lessons re anti-competitive behavior.

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Late thank you for your previous comment @apshamilton

My experience with LinkedIn @crypto.piotr is years old. Long before the Steem blockchain was conceived. My wife is on Facebook. I am not, nor will I likely ever be. From what she shares with me from Facebook, I view LinkedIn as Facebook for professionals. It connects business associates from all over the world.

Once connected, you can then share professional content that you deem may be of interest to your peers. It also allows you to maintain personal contact, if desired, with those whom you may have worked with many years ago (as in my case) and it is nice to see how they are doing.

As far as any downside, I was not too happy when it was sold to Microsoft. As you may know, Microsoft has historically bought up many, many firms to establish itself in new market areas, rather than build their own presence from scratch. At the time of their purchase of LinkedIn, it was the single largest purchase they had ever made - $26.2 billion USD ...

Now a days I feel like its a trend that most of the people wants to have account in every social media platform and LinkedIn in not the exception.

I also have account and I created a long back (exactly not remember when) and I created it because my colleagues had. I visit LinkedIn once in a month or even less. For me it's Place where I have many connections out of which some of them are my colleagues in current company or past company and many people who are connected, I don't even know them m it's just that they sent request and I accept thinking that may be in future they could be helpful. I see people getting job through LinkedIn but in my case No.

I noticed that people in LinkedIn write really nice content saying that they are ready to help people to get the job when and few of them then their response was just opposite so far me it's just social media which i visit even less than Facebook.

Why you should join-

1- Surely a nice place to connect with many like-minded people who have achieved a lot in life and possibility to connect with them and learn.
2- it's better than Facebook because in facebook we see lots of spam and meaningless posts but here this ratio is less.
3- Many big companies are here and they keep on sharing their future plans so you get opportunity to know about it.

why shouldn't join-

1- If you have limited time and can't visit quite frequently then it doesn't server the purpose.

2- don't join if not interested to add one more account of social media (i mean professional 😀) as there are many other with similar purpose.
3- I am sure you would join it to connect with communities and free version would not be much help. Pro might helpful but again it depends upon your requirement.

Thanks @crypto.piotr for nice topic. I think my response is bit long to read but I tried to make as small as possible. Have a great day buddy..

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Thank you for sharing funny issues.
At first linked in have been used in many countries and every kinds of companies examine candidates there.
Second you can introduce yourself freely. It is up to you.
Third you can find your friends whom you forget and they may help you to be in the right position in your new firm.
Thank you again for this valuable post.

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I appreciate your feedback @huseyinunozkan16

I was a bit confused while I've read that I'm sharing "funny issues" :)

Upvote on the way :)

LinkedIn is quite cool if you're a career person, helps you build your network, meet people, it's not really for entertainment that's why it's not so so popular and fun to youths...
You can develop yourself also with LinkedIn learning and all other stuff they have to offer. It's just building your career and networking...
It's boring to me though, I prefer twitter.....good day

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I am coming from your memo, I will be sure to check out that post , as for your question, Linkin is an amazing platform

  1. I really enjoy lynda for learning new things (part of their eco system )
  2. I love the idea of a social media for professionals with people sharing useful information and one does not need to filter as much as other social medias to get quality content
  3. I meet a lot of great people and have been slowly growing my network

Going to add you shortly on LinkedIn will also be following you here on steemit

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Hi @crypto.piotr,

Like you, I am also networking on #steem and I am working at building Steem-based groups here in the Philippines, particularly and

The Steem Philippines group is currently on Facebook but the plan is to eventually make it 100% Steem-based, but we are marketing on FB first.

The reason why I am messaging you is that I had a conversation with @guruvaj who said that you have become an online friend of his. I personally didn't know if you were sincere in a message I received from you since I get inundated with bots all the time.

After knowing that, and after our previous interactions in the comment sections of other people's posts.. I see you as someone I would very much like to get to know :)

In regards to LinkedIn.. I kind of use it but all of it for me is posts about success stories, business, tech and things like that. It's okay for some people but I like broader perspectives, or perspectives related particularly towards Steem, philosophy or one where I can have 1-on-1 discussions with people.

One thing that I like about @steemit's transparent policy, is that if I am going to be brainwashed or influenced by someone(s), I would rather it be the whole world with people competing for my attention as opposed to a single sinister group or company like Facebook, the U.S. Government, etc.

Steemit does that for me and I think letting the entire world try to brainwash me will keep me safer than having all of my data kept from everyone except one tiny, narrow entity like Facebook, the U.S. Government, or Google.

It would basically be based on free-market principles than instead of tyranny.

~ @chrisrice

Yes, @crypto.piotr
@chrisrice and me are collaborating on building community here in the Philippines and I have mention you.

Best regards, HF21 cheers!

The title is not a link , can you set the link in the post?

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Hi @mrme1984

I was just testing some new tool created by a friend of mine and accidently I posted something on steemit which I didn't intend to. Unfortunatelly we cannot mark posts/resteems as "removed" (so they wouldn't be displayed).

So I had to replace that empty spammy post with draft of my newest publication which I wanted to post soon. What a mess.


I like the new post I using LinkedIn very often and I have ~28k connections there

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Hi @mrme1984

Sorry for such a late reply. Somehow I've missed your previous reply.

How long have you been on linkedin? 28k is quite an impressive number.


Hello Pior I hope you are well, I read your article carefully, I was a little far from your publications, but here I am, I remember that I opened my likedin account in the university because according to some professors and university colleagues it was a social network for the job search , which I did not find, even if I updated my profile. But it is your decision if you want to have that account.
Regards @pauli0606

I do have a Linkedin account Rodel Catajay LPT

Like any other social media platform, if you wanted to promote a business or a project, it would be better to post it on LinkedIN, and since it is more a professional-skill base platform, it will broaden your audience and reach.

I too forward to my LinkedIN account some steem post.

And been trying to contact people within my network to have a look on steem.

Hi Piotr

I find LinkedIn to be a powerful channel to market myself and my business. I have also gotten some good leads that found ME through a search on LinkedIn. I do limit the amount of personal data I put out there - no date of birth for instance :). I do have a company page but it doesn't get much attention.

As to their business model, they have things in place to get you to pay for their premium services. If you use LinkedIn to find prospects, for instance, you will find you soon exceed the free account search limits.

I think you should build your LinkedIn account and profile. If built well, you don't need to send résumés or portfolio to potential clients or employers. You can just send them there.

However, like every social media platform, your experience with it depends on your friends, followers or connections on it and your interaction. Communicate, share, comment, and learn. That's how you build.

My present boss only asked for my LinkedIn profile and checked it out.
While it is being abused or misused by some, it is a professional social networking platform. If used right with the right connections, it is highly rewarding.


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Hi, my friend! You have a brother? 👀

I've been on that platform for a long time. And I entered it to get a chance to find a job and I've never got one. I really don't understand what Linkedin is for. Many of its best features are not free. I really don't know why I have an account at Linkedin, hahaha

I always get emails that many people see my resume and I don't see any of those who have seen me. I get the impression that I don't know how it works or you have to pay to know how it works. But when a platform is entangled it means that it doesn't work for me.


Thanks @crypto.piotr. I have a Linked In profile, but its not updated. I cant remember the last time I went there. But its a nice place to connect to or offer Job opportunities. Apart from Job givers and seekers, I think its not entirely designed for entrepreneurs and people that run startups. If I were a job seeker, it would be a popular destination for me.

I suppose I won't qualify for your bounty because I don't have 3 good reasons to tell you to join Linkedin. I joined it about 7 years ago, but it hasn't been a factor in my life. I have a few friends on there, but only one that keep contact with any frequency. I suppose it might be useful if you were looking for a job, or looking to hire someone. As far as posting articles, I've only posted one, it was on the altcoin GIANT and it didn't get any attention. I originally joined because of LockTrip (LOC) and a promotional bounty they were running. The platform is not an important part of my blogging life at this time, but I'm retaining my membership.

Not sure about other countries but in Malaysia i use linkedin few years ago and its like a dating app i didn't get any job offers at all.

Everyone is trying to date everyone here or posting about their careers maybe i didn't use long enough but i don't see the benefit.

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focusing my efforts on building strong community and followerbase on Steemit, moving almost completely away from Facebook and Twitter. I'm not very happy with amount of censorship on those platforms

That said, let me start with Linkedin: great idea, but pre-crypto. Linkedin had the mindset of early crypto developers.

Now for conventional SM. I always felt this way. From my experience, social manipulation is one of the least talked about prevalent ills of humanity. Initial hats off to Zuckerberg, Jobs, Gates and the others techies for dreaming but all, except maybe Jobs gave in.

Today we have crypto and it is what brought me back to social media. It actually increase my use of FB and twitter useage to keep a gateway open for regular folk to know what we are all about.

I'm also quite new to the LinkedIn community, started my account when I needed to do my internships I've seen alot of posts from companies wanting interns and recruiting through linkedin that is a bonus instead of job searching wasting alot of time yoy could just land a job while browsing through your feed.

Another great thing is if your profile pops up infront of people and your description creates some curiosity in their mind, then they will certainly look into your profile and maybe even follow you. This builds up relations within a certain industrial community contacts are always important in every business.

Lastly there are some great entrepreneurs out there giving advice to the new generation and you'll learn alot from them. I've had a pretty good experience using LinkedIn and I do recommend it to you.

Hello my friend, nice to read a post from you again @crypto.piotr

About the topic. Linkedin is a great platform to describe our professional careers if you are looking for a new job or just to be in a radar for a company.

This is a huge globalization platform and all your information can appear in many countries.

I’m not sure if the sell your personal information because suddenly some request appears in your email box for someone else.

If you are interested in someone else or professional people on a specific area, you can find them it for sure.

You can send message.

And receive message before adding them to your list.

Is very public but 100% better than Facebook...!!

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Generally there are 2 sides to every person. The personal side where you show only to friends and family. On the other hand, you have the professional side which will be displayed at work. While Facebook targets the personal side, LinkedIn targets the professional side.

Though I don't post anything on LinkedIn, I do read the feeds occasionally. Most posts are professional and business driven. There are targeted ads and I know they are mining my every click and activity data. However, I don't really mind these ads as I do find them relevant in my professional career.

The ads on LinkedIn are not as aggressive as those on Facebook. This is probably because LinkedIn has a premium version which requires users to pay. Being a paid user allows you to view any profile of your choice. Hence, the primary use case is for headhunters and companies' HR to identify potential candidates. Many companies also post job openings on LinkedIn and it is increasingly becoming the first place people will go to for jobs search (at least in Singapore).

Overall, LinkedIn is a place where I provide information that I don't mind sharing to the public. In fact, I might even want more attention from potential hirers so that I can get a better job.

Circling back to your question on whether it's a better platform for entrepreneurs. I think that's a yes. Compared to Steem, LinkedIn is meant for business professionals. Steem on the other hand is a mix of everything. Though LinkedIn is centralized, I see no harm in sharing things that you don't mind sharing. It's a pity you can't stop them from harvesting and monetizing your data, but I think the pros outweigh the cons. Perhaps when Steem grows to a certain scale, there will be an effective "tribe" created here to battle it out with LinkedIn

Good input! I’d say that you stole my thunder, but you wrote a more brilliant note than I probably would have ;)

Thanks! :)

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Amazing comment @culgin
I just re-read it and I've noticed that I never actually thanked you for it.

Cheers, Piotr

Dear @crypto.piotr

I have been a Linkedin user for a long time and one of the main reasons is that I use this platform to promote my curriculum Vitae, since the problems began in Venezuela, it is an alternative for many Venezuelans to be able to promote for a better job search. from our country. I know cases of other friends who thanks to this platform have hired them from other countries and were able to leave.
That would be a good opportunity to get some employment outside of Venezuela. Since in my own land there are almost no companies many have closed because the government expropriated them, those companies that were expropriated only lasted while they had inventory after it was stolen by the government because they closed it. So employment opportunities in Venezuela are minimal.

And I say it again, I think they offer a good opportunitya job search.

Captura de pantalla de 2019-08-20 11-45-17.png

If you look here within steemit they also have a link for you to promote your publications within that platform and others. such as facebook

Reveal spoiler

If you look here within steemit they also have a link for you to promote your publications within that platform and others. such as facebook


Well I had been concerned about this for so long.

My first desire was to wipe out my digital footprints, so I entered this beautiful movement for virtual privacy, encryption and so on. But then I realized that, if you want to produce a change in society, if you want to give a message and gather people around ideals that could benefit us all... you cannot hide. You must be seen, you must be known.

I had to fight my desires to hide into the shadows (which is very important for me), because I understood that my calling was to bring people together on healthier bases for our social interactions.

Of course, the matter of centralized and decentralized services plays a major role in this. The corporative centralized social media is what most people know everywhere, and I am completely convinced that it will be like that forever... it's a matter of power.

When little groups compromised with freedom create cryptocurrencies, then appear corporate cryptocurrencies that inevitably dominate the whole market because they have the power to do that... they have the techs, the professional advertiser, the social engineer specialists and, most of all... they have the money.

I think the cyberpunk stories are really essays of futurist political philosophy, and they teach us clearly something: You cannot beat the monster. Perhaps, and with big efforts, you may cut one head... but there will appear many more.

However this is not an advice to remain careless on those platforms. We must protect our data as long as possible. But there is a necessary balance between delivering a message, cultivating useful relationships and, on the other hand, protecting our privacy.

When some people ask me: Why are you using facebook, twitter and the others? It is because of people there. I use those platforms for them, to connect. I couldn't do that from here, because they're not here.

I advocate for a sound minimal care, but when you realize how big is the monster you understand that the only way for absolute privacy and protection is, either the complete withdraw from society, or the change of the whole social system... None of them seems a viable option.

So, yes, use that platform, and the others. Use whatever thing will be useful. You're already under surveillance, we all are (that's what we call "modern society"). Just control your hands there, entering only the necessary things.

When some people ask me: Why are you using facebook, twitter and the others? It is because of people there. I use those platforms for them, to connect. I couldn't do that from here, because they're not here.

Essentially correct!
I agree with you.

I have a profile up there.

I don't use it very often, but the messages about job opportunities never cease to come in.

Greetings appreciated @crypto.piotr

Linkedin is a network for professionals.

The main idea is to allow both companies and independent professionals to contact each other.

With the creation of your profile you can specify your professional skills and work interests, so companies can locate you.

It has similar features to facebook. With this I laugh at some artificial intelligence and above all the possibility of finding or contacting people with profiles similar to yours, as well as you can import your email contacts.

I am not sure of the functionality in terms of creating a specific group or niche with the intention of exchanging group ideas. In other words, I don't know if this allow it.

Your friend, Juan.

I currently use LinkedIn for sure. In the past I have used it for job searching, I found the positions available more appealing and directly what I was looking for as opposed to other sites like "Indeed". Also I find it to be another place for me to share my content. I am always in favor of building up a network of people who live near me, that could potentially help me in the future. I connected with someone who builds awesome custom homes, in the future, if I need a custom home built, I will probably go with him. In my view it is still a great place to be. I will connect with you for sure!

I have an account on LinkedIn which I had opened some years ago. It is a job seeking website where entrepreneurs can also connect with each other and find suitable employees for their company.
I had not used it much as I am neither seeking a job, nor am I an entrepreneur. However, this website can help someone finding the suitable job or employees, resources etc.
It is a centralized website. So, it must also to be operated by someone who needs to earn money. I think they sale users data and earn from it.

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I just realized that I never thanked you for your feedback @akdx

You are such a nice person that your comment is always a compliment for me.

Hello dear @crypto.piotr, very good topic.

I honestly don't know this platform, the reason is that I've been focusing on steemit lately and although I have accounts on other blockchain-based platforms, I don't have much time left for them.

Building a community and a solid base of followers is a very difficult task, it requires time and effort, the work you are doing in steemit is very good and you are managing to consolidate a community around a project, but there are many things to do, no I am sure if starting a similar job now on another platform is convenient.

Even so, you know that you have the support of the group and mine in particular.


Hi @crypto.piotr

I have an older account at LINKEDIN
But is not active there.
Feels like I don't have that need

En verdad nunca he usado linkedin. Pero gracias a esta publicación, leyendo los comentarios, me da mucha información al respecto. Como profesional, me parece interesante linkedin, para promocionar mi especialidad. Gracias @ crypto.piotr, por su publicación. Las respuestas son muy claras al respecto.

Unfortunately in my experience LinkedIn didn't seem to be in my field of work or area however this was a few years ago but I have been meaning to try again thanks a lot for reminding me

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🤔🤔 I don't see anything

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Hi @leeart

I was just testing some new tool created by a friend of mine and accidently I posted something on steemit which I didn't intend to. Unfortunatelly we cannot mark posts/resteems as "removed" (so they wouldn't be displayed).

So I had to replace that empty spammy post with draft of my newest publication which I wanted to post soon. What a mess.


Ah, i know what you mean. I have had errors with esteem when editing that i thought were not published only to find out it was doubly posted.

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So about linkedin, i only hear about it and read about it but no idea about it. 😂

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I used LinkedIn for a while but I didn't see much innovation and I grew out of love for it.

Thanks for your article!

Ouups! I learned it's centralised so I never bothered to check it out. Decentralisation FTW :)

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I think Linkedin is a great place for anyone who wants to build a professional profile. So, I will say you should give it a shot. Cheers!

Dear Piotr, we are already connected with Linkedin.
I think this is the right place where divide trolls from real people, in Linkedin you should be register with real name, not with nick as most of steemit trolls are there...

I just realized that I never thanked you for your feedback @intellihandling

No problem Piotr, i know you are very busy guy in your work, have good day

great article Piotr 👍🏼👏🏼
I seriously believe LinkedIn has lost its value comparing 2015-16; but i have my reasons, staying there; let me share them:

  1. linkedin is a great source for data scraping; consumer sentiments and trend observation
  2. overall I can't get enough of social media! maybe I'm obsessed with SMs but I still think we need to show presence in the major ones
  3. it's free! almost... so why not? 😉

Late thank you for your previous comment @honarparvar

you are welcome buddy

Professional community manager? Would you say that's an accurate description?

Late thank you for your previous comment @aaronhawk

"Professional community manager". Would you mind sharing with me what's wrong with that description? Does it look bad? Just wondering.

No, not looking bad. Just wondering why it's professional and what makes it so. It's not bad at all.

Somehow I missed your previous comment @aaronhawk

I added "professional" simply because it sounds cool hahaha :)

  1. LinkedIn is different from other social media.

  2. It is the best platform for all professionals.

  3. Also it is very much users friendly.

Following you in LinkedIn.

Sorry for such a late reply. Just wanted to say that I appreciate your previous comment @chaynica2050


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  1. LinkedIn Is very Effective Marketing tool than other social media platforms.

  2. It is a social media network for professional rather than an entertaining platform.

  3. It is with powerful job tool which helps to recruit the right candidates to hire them.

The benefits of Linkedin are as follows. 1) Finding workers 2) Finding a job 3) Contacting the same occupational group.

It is not for me. It is more you leave your profile/business card behind if you look for a job. I never figured out how to engage to others.
It does exist since years and years so not the newest place to be.

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Right now, as you say, people are looking for more privacy. Confidence in the use of your data and this for now is handled better in the blockchain.

So there will be a time when all users will be within this growing technology.

@crypto.piotr, LinkedIn is effective space for Entrepreneurs and in my opinion your brother's advice is right and you should try it because in a way you will expand the Steem Blockchain experience and may be you can attract more people towards Steem Blockchain from there.

Le di resteem para que pueda ser leido por otros participantes @crypto.piotr

I) Linkedin is great for professional networking.
II) It doesn't bombard users with irrelevant info like humor and memes...
III) It's a great avenue to demystify decentralization and platforms like steemit to those who may not know much about it or are averse.

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