a few goodies from garden
It’s been awhile so since I got internet I’ll throw two fantastic things at my vegan community
Had s good harvest so made myself a hummus sandwich.
- bread
- hummus
- garden broccoli hot peppers and yellow peppers roasted in Evoo
- raw yellow pear tomatoes
- fresh garden lettuce
Then my day got long with dillie beans. Easiest recipe ever. Beans ( yellow or green), fresh dill then I use hot peppers
jar them up and hit them with a brine of 3 parts vinaiger 2 parts water and 12 tablespoons salt, can or quick pickle to your happiness
That looks delicious... time to go to the kitchen!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Mostly time to refill the farm stand. That’s an everyday harvest
That sounds yummy! I which I had sun ripe tomatoes.
Posted using Partiko iOS

Fantastic harvest. I think it is really easy to not eat meat when you have so many vegetables coming out of your garden. Even in winter here in Australia I have a few things. Last night was simply stir fried broccoli leaves and chard and spring onions and coriander full stop super simple but all straight from the garden with some black rice and it was super tasty xx
Posted using Partiko Android
Its great one you only need one or two filler ingredients.
Throw some of that my way! I'll happily catch it. :) I would happily eat a sandwich with hummus and veggies any day of the week, but add some of those dillie beans on the side and I'd eat that twice a day!
We did eat Dilli whilst making them. How did U know
That is such a bountiful harvest! I wish I can reach out and grab some, lol. Congratulations! 🍅😊🥦

Wow, they look so fresh and colorful. Lovely produce.
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