Happy Monday my sweet Fruit and Veggie fans!
Wow, this week has flown by! I’m busy preparing for another trip to visit my grandson. I’m so excited! I haven’t seen him since June! We facetime at least once each day but it’s not the same; I can’t hug and kiss him through the screen, lol It’s truly amazing to see how fast they grow and learn, such a blessing.
Of course I’m prepping for the trip, it wouldn’t be right for Grandmother to show up without treats right?
Our last facetime chat revealed a need suggesting Grandmother make a quick trip to the bookstore before hitting the kitchen.
It’s seems our little one has learned something new this week…biting!
We’ll see if this helps a bit! They grow up so fast, every opportunity we spend together brings back both the good and not-so-good times we all have experienced as parents. I remember how hard it was when you’re rushed for time, tired, frazzled and don’t seem to have enough time in the day!
This hurry and scurried pace of daily life reminds me of the famous Proverb which tells us to....
Take time to smell the roses!
As I took a moment to walk around the lawn this morning I noticed one tiny rose smiling up at me, just waiting to grace my day! Size certainly didn’t matter with this little bud, it smelled heavenly! Seeing this rose, I knew what I would share for our weekly Fruits and Veggies Monday gathering.
Just my way of saying thanks to you both!Both @plantstoplank and @lenasveganliving love healthy treats and a chocolate rose on Monday would surly bring a smile any face!
Chocolate and Raspberry Lemon Cream Roses!
Monday Roses!
- Thai Coconut Milk (1 can)
- Kite Hill Vegan Cream Cheese (1/3 cup)
- Fresh Lemon Juice (2 tbsp.)
- Vanilla (1 tsp)
- Organic Yacon Syrup or Maple Syrup (2 tbsp.)
- Fresh Raspberries (1 1/3 cup)
- Dairy Free Dark Chocolate Chips (1 cup)
I purchased these silicone rose molds long ago and it’s been fun using them to create both ice cream and baked treats. Both cleanup and storage are great. After melting ½ of the chocolate chips I began “painting” the rose which appears on the top of each rose cup. This I must say was the most challenge stage of rose creation, requiring steady hands.I just have to say, they weren't steady after that! Into the freezer they went to allow the chocolate to solidify. By the way.... Did you know the cocoa used in dark chocolate comes from the cocoa seed found in the Cocoa fruit?
I had refrigerated the can of coconut overnight so I could use just the coconut cream which solidified overnight. Blend the Coconut cream, cream cheese, lemon juice, vanilla and Yacon syrup. Yacon Syrup is a wonderful natural sweetener. The Yacon plant is native to South Africa but with its anti-hyperglycemic affects Yacon is quickly gaining popularity all around the world. Especially beneficial to diabetics, in syrup form it can easily be a sugar substitute in most recipes. Containing high levels of potassium makes Yacon a healthy choice for those with blood pressure and chloresterol issues
Now we blend the raspberries! Natures Candy! Packed with Vitamins!
Did you know raspberries are one of natures berries which are low in sugar, great for your fruity treats!
Using a few tablespoons of coconut water…
along with the raspberries enabled me to blend them into a dreamy fruity cream! Feel free to add a touch of Yacon if you prefer! The chocolate had solidified, time to fill the molds!
I carefully filled each mold…
with the lemon cream and then swirled the raspberry around the the top. Using a toothpick I swirled the raspberry throughout the cream. Now back to the freezer! After the cream solidified I capped each rose with melted chocolate!
And there you have it! Roses, Chocolate and Lemon Ice Cream! Enjoy!
Oh, I almost forgot! I have to share my sweet little rose!
Just a little reminder as you begin the week…take a moment to stop and smell the roses!
So glad you stopped by today and so thankful for my fruits and veggie friends! What fresh fruits are available right now where you live? I would love to hear! I hope you all have a wonderful week of fresh fruits and veggies!
And as always, blessings to you all!

You are such a good baker, always makes me drool...
Aww,you are too kind @roselifecoach! I really appreciate your thoughtful words. Sharing like this is so fun to do, I love it and love the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people like you :)
Keep going, I love seeing your post!
Yummy, those look exceptionally good, well photographed and presented. Now to think a few mouthfuls of delicious heaven and they are gone!
Enjoy your time away and thanks for sharing this lovely treat @birdsinparadise
Thank you @joanstewart, you are too kind. You know how fun it is to create treats like this, nothing makes me happier. And to be able to photograph and share with all of you makes it all even better! I truly appreciate your sweet words, thank you! :)
My sister is the creative one who makes exquisite looking tasty treats, not something I have ever attempted, always enjoy seeing what people do, have a lovely time enjoying the treats together.
Beautiful and, I am sure, delicious. Enjoy the time with your garandchild.
Thank you @fionasfavourites! Grandchildren are such an amazing treat :) Fun to spoil and just love on! I'm really looking forward to it!
Oh my oh my! This treat is sooooo beautiful! I wouldn’t even want to eat it, I’d just look at it all day . I would want to use this as a decor for our dining room table it’s so pretty!
It was interesting seeing how these came together. I love that raspberries are low in sugar and really make yummy treats. Your food work is always beautiful and it’s always a real treat visiting your blog.
Oh boy, biting...that’s what we are dealing with now with our one year old daughter. She bites, scratches and pulls whatever she can grab on you when she doesn’t get her way . I hope those books do him some good, way to go grandma :)
Enjoy your visit ~ 😊
You are way too kind @crosheille, thank you :) These were fun to make! I enjoyed playing with the chocolate and the roses, and of course ice cream...you can't go wrong, hehe. So glad you enjoyed them. We shall see if the books are meaningful, he loves books so I figured it couldn't hurt to try, lol
Thanks for sharing us this recipe! That looks so delicious to look at
Thank you @sgbonus! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, thanks for stopping by :)

Thank you sweet Lena, love the awards :) With so many wonderful entries I don't know how you able to make a decision, lol Love your FAVM, its such an inspiration to me xx
Always a pleasure my Dear Mrs. Bird. It is tough job to make decision, but these award makes it easier. This way, no one is left out 💖😊💖
Oh, it was like yesterday when our boys were biting everything, lol. And yes, they do grow up fast! If we only could see them more often.
Anyway, I absolutely adore your roses my Dear Mrs. Bird! The real one and the dessert ones. Oh my goodness! What a brilliant idea! But there is a dilemma; they are too beautiful to eat, but too delicious not to, lol. 🌹😍🌹

hehehe, yes but Mr. Bird didn't hesitate, he couldn't wait to have one :) As for the little ones, my they are growing so fast, it's hard to capture everything in the limited time we spend together. Such a true joy to be around them though. Thank you for your kindness and support, I truly appreciate it :) xx
Always a pleasure my Dear Mrs.Bird, you know how much I love your tasty and beautiful creations. To bad I can't give you 1st PRIZE every time. But you know how it is.
And I can't blame Ms. Bird and the little ones, lol. But how many little ones do you have? I though it was only one? Did I miss something?
Oh my goodness, what a treat! Thank YOU for always bringing such a stunning post to us each week. Definitely another lovely way to use that yummy Kite Hill cheese. I'm sure you will have an amazing time visiting the little one. Each time builds up new lifelong memories for you both. I hope the book helps with that habit, haha. My niece still is learning about not throwing things when she gets upset. Perhaps I need to find a good book about that...
Oh thank you Katie!!! This was so fun to create, althought the chocolate painting was a first for me, lol I'm sure I need to refine the technique quite a bit :) I'm so grateful for this weekly gathering, it's truly inspirational :) Thank you!!!! Oh I'm sure you can find a book for your neice...this little guy isn't quite at the throwing age, just biting, yike! I bought several sesame street books about sharing, saying please and thank you, making friends...it's all so fun!
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Thank you!!!!!! This is such a sweet surprise:) Love the PHC community, and am so proud to be a part of such a great group! Truly appreciate your constant support!!
That is so sweet and looks amazing!!!! Major healthy drool. And you: “tired, frazzled and don’t seem to have enough time in the day!”? You made it look so easy 💕
hehehe, well there could be something like this waiting for you at the bird nest when you visit, :) I was hoping to tempt you down our way, lol Thank you sweet daughter! Love you oxoxox
Delicious! And your photos are also a feast! Such an amazing Granny making wholesome treats. I always look forward to your posts @birdsinparadise
What a beautiful dessert and stunning photos Mrs Bird, you've really outdone yourself here!
I can just imagine the excitement of prepping for the visit, you really are blessed and such a blessing to your family as well!
Believe it or not but I also made a sweet treat this week;) But nothing as spectacular as yours!
Thank you thank you @lizelle! Your kind words always bring a smile to my face! Really looking forward to seeing the kids, it's always such a refreshing treat and of course they're looking forward to a break in the kitchen area, lol I'm looking forward to your sweet treat creation, I'm sure it's amazing as always :)
I can only imagine the taste of cream cheese, lemon and raspberry and I swear I have my mouth watering!
Thank you so much @fmbs25 So glad you enjoyed these. :) By the way, I truly appreciate your support and mention within our PCH community! That was such an unexpected surprise! So kind of you, thank you
Always cool to see how you make these delicious looking dishes and this is no exception they look so good
Enjoy your time with your grandson :)
Thank you so much @tattoodjay! These were fun to make, glad you enjoyed them :) Nothing better than spending time with the grandchildren, can't wait!
Most welcome and have a great weekend
Okay, this made my jaw drop! Wow!!! I'm so impressed. I might also be drooling. ;) Nice work!
Wow, thank you @katrina-ariel!!!! So good to see you :) This was fun to make, needless to say it didn't last too long,lol Glad you enjoyed!
😋 hungry
hehehehe, so happy you enjoyed @brittandjosie :) Thanks for stopping by!
Goodness gracious chocolate rose! It looks so good and would be hard to eat. Still who would pass from this delicious treat. Lovely presentation always love your work.
Thank you @watersnake101, I'm so pleased you enjoyed the roses! The took a bit of time to create, but it was fun and Mr. Bird loved them. Your kind words are so appreciated :)
Not fair that I saw this before breakfast @birdsinparadise, they look so yummy and easy to make, I'll show this one to Debbie. 😁
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Awwww, I'm sorry @wonderwop, lol Looks like you and Debbie will be making ice cream soon :) So glad you enjoyed, I truly appreciate your kind words! Thank you!!!!
Wow! Mrs. Bird, maybe you can float a dozen of these roses across the pond to us? Hahaha
They look absolutely delicious!
hahahaha! I love it, wish I could @pappilloncharity :) So glad you enjoyed them, they were a treat to make! Blessings my friend!
Ha! I even dreamed about them Mrs.Bird
What a beautiful looking dessert @birdsinparadise
I'm sure it tastes every bit as good as it looks too.
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Thank you @cheese4ead! Such kind words, I truly appreciate it :) Evidently it tasted okay...Mr. Bird was pretty pleased, lol
Oh that looks so beautiful and yummy!!!! How exciting that you get to see your grandson! Wishing you a safe trip ☺️
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Thank you @foxyspirit! I am so excited...he is so sweet :) Lots of laughter, snuggles and smiles...there's nothing like it! You're so sweet!
This is very creative and i must say looks very artistic too:) I can only imagine how tasty it is:)
Well thank you @georgeboya :) They were fun to make, so glad you liked them. Mr. Bird certainly thought they were tasty, lol
GORGEOUS presentation!! More sweets? LOL I think Grandma is gonna be pretty well received though, esp if she comes with more BOOKS!! Now THAT work for me! :) Nice.
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hehehe, books books books, we can't get enough of those :) No television for this little guy, just lots of books and lots of playing outside. Glad you enjoyed my rose treats! Thank you @artemislives, appreciate your support and sweet words :)
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Looks so delicious!
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Thank you @helpiecake and @free-reign :) What a sweet surprise, I truly appreciate your support!
That looks absolutely divine! You're right about us rushing about, especially when we have children and find the amount of usable time in the day is devoted to them. I certainly wouldn't have the time to bake a dessert that looks that good!
hehehe, yes you're right! I think chocolate chip cookies were about all I could make when they were little, lol Just not enough time...but they always liked sweets! Thanks @wwwiebe, I appreciate your kind words :)
Wow the decoration is amazing and I'm sure it tastes divine as well! I'm a big chocolate fan so this would be right up my alley! Yummy 😋
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It was just one of those days @nickyhavey when you have to have chocolate, lol And, it was hot outside! What better match and icecream, fruit and chocolate right? :) So glad you enjoyed, thanks so much!
OMG! Really beautiful presentation and looks yummy too.
Thanks for sharing this recipe.
Thanks @definisiluka, so glad you enjoyed them :) I loved experimenting with the fruit and of course the chocolate!
oh that looks sooooooo good! Raspberries and chocolate have been a favorite of mine from way back. I have all the ingredients for this too. yum. thanks for putting together this awesome post.
Thank you, thank you! I know, chocolate and raspberries always taste amazing together don't they? I hope you'll try making this, I think you'll be pleased :) You'll have to let me know any changes you make, I would love to hear!!
So beautiful! I want to eat it))
Awww, thank you @amalinavia :) I'm so glad you enjoyed them, they were fun to create....and eat too, lol
Oh the dreadful biting phase and my goodness... rose, chocolate, and lemon icecream! That looks, and sounds quite delicious!
PHC Member Selection!!Shoutout to @fmbs25, for selecting you as the
Thanks for sharing, and for making me hungry!!
Thank you @wesphilbin! So glad you stopped in...and yes the dreadful biting phase....poor mama! I know, I am so thankful for @fmbs25 for selecting my post, what a sweet surprise :) We have such wonderful community! Glad you enjoyed my chocolate ice cream treat!
Ure so right..
Sometimes, we need to take the time to appreciate what we have in front of us.
These beauty is so precious the we take it for granted at time.
I know @ireenchew!!! We all spend so much time working in life we don't have a moment to take a breath, slow down and enjoy all of the beauty around us! I hope you have a moment this weekend :) Thank you for your sweet words. Blessings my friend!
lol, thanks for stopping by @dandays :) Hope you enjoyed!
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Thank you @c-squared! I truly appreciate the curation!
OMG! Delicious and beautiful!
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Thank you @cindyhartz, I'm so glad you enjoyed them :)
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What a beautiful yet healthy dessert!