Today is #fruitsandveggiesmonday by @lenasveganliving. Inspired by this I am going to start something I plan to continue for at least the next 11 months: What to buy in ...
Because I am vegetarian and a fighter for a thoughtful, peaceful and sustainable lifestyle I try to buy foods that are (vegan and) regional and organic produced, which are not wrapped in ridiculous huge amounts of plastic and not least vegetables and fruits that are in season.
Because of regional differences depending on which part of the world you live in this might be no exact guide for you to buy your fruits and veggies in season. If you're not living in Middle Europe or maybe parts of Northern America you at least can see this as an inspiration to think about and buy what's in season in your neck of the woods.
At first my vegetable list:
any kinds of tomatoes ~ Tomaten
hokaido pumpkin ~ Hokaido Kürbis
zucchini ~ Zucchini
fennel ~ Fenchel
garden radish ~ Radieschen
any sorts and colors of salad ~ Salat
green beans and savory ~ Grüne Bohnen und Bohnenkraut
green peas ~ Erbsen
bell peppers ~ Gemüsepaprika
mini bell peppers ~ Snack Paprika
turnip cabbage ~ Kohlrabi
cucumbers ~ Gurken
chanterelles ~ Pfifferlinge
spinach ~ Spinat
beet roots ~ Rote Bete
horse radish ~ Rettich
brokoli ~ Brokkoli
cauliflower (I love the new colors!) ~ Blumenkohl
swiss chard ~ Mangold
aubergines (I didn't now that there are so many differnt kinds!) ~ Auberginen
carrots (last but not least, and what I love most that the old sorts are back on the green market) ~ Möhren
These were the things that are in season in the middle european August. This list is without any claim to completeness. Feel free to tell me if you think I missed something important. Thank you in advance!
Also watch my second article about "What to buy in August II - Fruits"
I wish everyone a fresh and crispy week!
Wonderful photos, makes me hungry 😋 Now following by a fellow vegetarian, please follow back
Nice post! upvoted w pleasure!
Thank you so much! I appreciate it! 😘
Omgosh, where do you live? Do you know the name of those mushrooms in English? I remember them from back home, they are extremely expensive here and they have them only in very special stores. Amazing variety of vegetables, thank you so much for this wonderful post 🍓💚🍓
Wonderful photos! When you label your photos, can you tell us their German names, too,?
✅ Done. In both articles. 😊👍🏻
What a great learning tool! When I was traveling frequently, I got so I could order from a menu and almost know what I was getting! I had forgotten so much and this is like a refresher course!
Happy, that I could help ... 😊
Upped and steemed