These photos I took in the garden of my mother in law. She has a babana tree that produces a bunch of bananas twice a year. They are delicious. The tree also has a remarkabe flower that falls of a few days before the bananas are ready for the harvest.

How many bananas should people eat daily?
I have no idea whether is a number for that or not. I have one a day for breakfast. With honey.
and you can have it in oatmeal
in brasil bananas grow everywhere ! insane !
Yes they are quite common in Brazil.
wow, these pictures are amazing
I've never seen a banana tree in reality!
It is probably to cold in beautiful Canada.
Wauw! That is awesome. We eat the banana flower :-) It's delicious.
By the way, I love how the picture is made!!
I have never tried that. Maybe with the next flower. :-)
We actually eat it within a Cambodian dish :-)!
I am not familiar with Cambodian food. Is it similar to let's say Thai food or Indonesian?
It is more similar to Thai food :-). But the dish that I'm talking about is really Cambodian. I will post it someday and will tag you in it. The dish is called: Nom Banh Chok :)