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Many would have come acrossed this fruit hawked by the hausas(Northerners) in Nigeria, but very few of us know the health benefits
Dates are those sweet fruits grown in the Northern part of Nigeria, and usually sold by the Hausas. Usually, they sell the dried ones which is very sweet compared to the fresh ones with sour taste.
I've always known dates for its sweetness, and not its benefit. I was chewing some one cool evening when someone asked if I knew its benefits, my response was "No" within me I was wondering what possible benefits the fruit could have. To my utmost shock, this person listed so many benefits I didn't even think this fruit could possibly possess.
- Consumed directly
- Stuffed with nuts(almonds, cashew nuts) or cheese
-Made as juice
Image source: google
-Made as paste( this is done with water, a pinch of salt, lemon juice, and lemon zest)
-Used in desserts (including dates in cupcakes, cakes, and cookies)
Image source: google
- Nutritional Component Of Dates
Sugar content - 66.5grams/100 gram
Fiber – 6.7 grams.
Potassium – 696 milligrams.
Copper – 0.4 milligrams.
Manganese – 0.3 milligrams.
Magnesium – 54 milligrams.
Vitamin B6 – 0.2 milligrams
Dates is rich in potassium and magnesium, these minerals helps in maintaining normal blood pressure, and prevents diseases related with high blood pressure.WEIGHT GAIN
Being too fat could pose a problem, being too slim could also be a problem. Dates can effectively help you gain weight without increasing your body's cholesterol and fat level. Dates contains sugar, vitamins, and protein which could easily help you gain weight.
https://www.shape.com/healthy-eating/diet-tips/ask-diet-doctor-healthy-way-gain-weightA HEALTHY PREGNANCY AND DELIVERY
Consumption of dates during pregnancy has proven to yield the following results
Reduction in the need for induction and augmentation of labour
-Prevention of Anemia due to its iron content
-Reduction in the risk of hemorrhage in new born
-A pregnant woman after delivery could regain a normal weight by consuming datesIMPROVES DIGESTIVE HEALTH, AND REDUCES CONSTIPATION
Dates contains a bunch of soluble fiber. This soluble fiber helps in cleaning out the gastrointestinal system.
The fibre content in dates helps in maintaining regular bowel movement that improves digestive health, it also draws water into the digestive tract which reduces constipation.
Dates are rich in potassium found which are of immense benefit to the heart, it reduces the risk of stroke, adding dates to your diet could help lower LDL( low density lipoprotein) cholesterol which is very harmful to the heart.
Anemia is known to be a condition where the amount of red blood cells is low. Dates contains a high amount of iron which could be very helpful in fighting anemia, as one of the causes of Anemia is lack of iron. Anemia leaves it patients feeling tired and exhausted, feel good and boost iron levels by consuming dates.
Dates contains natural sugar such as glucose, sucrose,and fructose which could be a very good energy booster. Why go for an energy drink, when you can opt for some handful of dates☺.
Dates are cholesterol free, so consuming them won't increase any form of cholesterol in the body. Which reduces the risk of being infected by any form of cholesterol diseases.
Magnesium, Manganese, and selenium component of dates keeps our blood and bones strong and healthy. It should be noted that diet rich in selenium is good in the prevention of cancer.
Study shows that the inflammatory indicators in the body were reduced, as a result of magnesium intake. Since dates contains this mineral, it can be said that dates are anti inflammatory.
I know most of us are wowed by the many benefits of this sweetened fruit. Adding dates to our diet is a good way ofobtaining a whole lots of healthy benefits. Keep a date with dates, and you've got the best companion for your health.
Thanks for reading
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You are correct: Dates do contain ALOT of suger and it does not matter if you get suger from dates or candy, it is still processed the same within our bodies. But with dates you also get all those nutrients that you mention! =) Great post
Thank you