Advantages and Benefits of Existing Nutrition In Apple Fruit

in #fruit6 years ago

Apples are a type of fruit, or fruit produced from an apple tree. Apples are usually colored on the skin when cooked and (ready to eat), but can also be green or yellow skin. The skin of the fruit is rather soft, the flesh is hard. The fruit has few seeds in it.

People start planting apples first in Central Asia. Now the apple is growing in many regions of the world where the air is cooler. The scientific name of the apple tree in Latin is Malus domestica. Cultivated apples are descended from Malus sieversiiasal Central Asia, with a portion of the genome of Malus sylvestris (apple forest / wild apple).
Most nice apples are eaten raw (not cooked), and are also used in many party foods. Apples cooked until soft for applesauce. Apples are also made to be an apple juice drink.

Types of Nutrition / NutrientsContentsAKG% Calories52 kcal-Carbohydrates13,8g-Air86% -Protein0,3g-Sugar10,4g-Fiber2,4g-Fat0,2g-Vitamin A3μg0% Vitamin C4,6mg5% Vitamin D - Vitamin E0,18mg1% Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 0.02mg1% Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.03mg2% Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 0,09mg1% Vitamin B5 (Panthothenic acid) 0.06mg1% Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0,04mg3% Vitamin B9 (Folate) 3μg1 % Vitamin B120μg-Cholin3,4mg1% Calcium6mg1% Iron0,12mg2% Magnesium5mg1% Fosfor11mg2% Potassium107mg2% Sodium1mg0% Seng0,04mg0%

Here's a brief apple:

  • Apples as a vitamin-rich fruit consisting of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and vitamin C.

  • Apple fruit enriched with rich mineral content consisting of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc. These are some of the minerals the body needs.

  • Enriched also with phytochemical content. Phytochemicals, ie antioxidants that act as an antidote to free radicals from various threats of air pollution and the surrounding environment. In addition phytochemicals that can help suppress the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) that can cause blockage in the blood vessels.

  • Apple also has a good fiber content, especially for those who are on a diet program. Fiber is able to give a good effect for the stomach so as to resist and delay the hunger comes more quickly. In addition, fiber can also bind fat and bad cholesterol in the body.

  • Tannin content contained in apples is a substance that serves as a cleanser and mouth freshener, so as to prevent and protect teeth from tooth decay and gum disease.

  • Baron, which is a component of apples that serves to maintain the amount of estrogen in the body of women.

  • Flavoid which is one of the best content of apples that have a function as substances that can help reduce the risk of cancer.

  • D-glucaric acid is a support substance that apples have to reduce and control the levels or amount of cholesterol that enter the body.

  • Apple which also contains quercetin substances is a substance that the body needs to increase levels of antioxidants that can protect the body so that the body feels more healthy and fresh and able to prevent various diseases.

  • Tartar acid which is the most common element possessed by apples has the benefit as a substance that can help nourish and optimize the digestive tract. Tartar acid is also able to kill bacteria that cause digestive tract disorders.


Many of the research about the benefits of apples, well here are six lists of the most important properties of apples:

  1. Rich with Nutrition

Apple contains a lot of good variety of nutrients and is needed by our bodies, such as the content of Vitamin A, C and mineralnya high. The content is very good for skin health and our eyes.

  1. Help to lose weight

Are you on a diet? If so, then this fruit becomes one of the recommendations to become food intake when you are on a diet program.


Apples are rich in fiber and minerals, research has been done by experts in the United States to conclude if eating apples in 10 weeks apple tersbut able to cut a person's body weight.

  1. Maintain heart health

In the apple contain polyphenol content, the content was able to provide a highly beneficial antioxidant effects for heart health and able to significantly reduce the risk of stroke.

  1. Able to avoid diabetes

Apples are fruits that have a good sugar content for our body, that's why if we eat apples on a regular basis will be able to reduce the risk of diabetes type 2 diabetes.

And apples are also good for diabetics for being able to treat diabates.

  1. Prevent cancer

Apples have a high antioxidant that is why the apple is able to prevent the growth of cancer cell cells.

  1. Treating asthma

Apples are very effective in protecting lungs from oxidative damage, this is because the content of antioxidants apples are high enough. Therefore you are strongly recommended to consume apples on a regular basis.