My Beautiful Friend~

in #friendship4 years ago


Over three years ago I met a young lady on the Blockchain. She was so full of life and laughter that you just wanted to spend time with her. Possibly, but not certainly, to interact with her. You just wanted to watch the fun that followed her where ever she went on the blockchain.

She is open and loving. Kind to a fault. If you are lucky enough for her to call you a friend she will drop everything to be there for you should you need it.

Trying out my new Castle Art Watercolor Pencils.

Back in October when I first started trying to learn to draw I had received some new alcohol makers. I wanted to draw something with them. While DM'ing back and forth with Brisby we made up a dress.

A fantasy dress for her.

It had to be raised in the front so she could still skip and run in the dress without falling or tripping.

The watercolor pencils worked great making flowers but what about something harder?

The sleeves were long and flowy. The kind where if you had to do anything they would get in the way. The kind that looks cool too!

If you are going to make a fantasy dress it needs unrealistic sleeves. I am very sure this is written down in the book that holds all the directions on how to make a fantasy dress.

I did the lightest sketch in a light grey watercolor pencil.

The outside color of the dress was green, of course. If you are going to be an Elf, Pixie, or Fairy you need to fit into your surrounding so you are only seen when you want to be.

But! What about Color!! We LOVE Color!!

I was loving how the drawing was turning out but the colors were very light.

The color was on the inside. This makes an even better camouflage dress.

If someone comes along while you are in a meadow of flowers, just thinking about life, people will think you are just another flower in the patch of many.

Using my Schpirerr Farben watercolor set I put light washes of color over the pencil. I loved how it brightened up the whole painting!

Over the course of the three days I worked on this painting, I realized how perfectly this embodied Brisby.

On the outside, she is a wonderful Mom to her two daughters. She works full time, takes care of her house, and cooks/bakes like.....

She should own her own bakery. She is an extremely talented Baker. Period!

If you get to know her long enough you realize on the inside she is a Cosplayer, and all that goes along with that, at heart.

The final piece of art.
I loved how it turned out.
I really need to figure out how to get the sparkles to show up.

I hope we all find our inner CosPlayer this year! If the world is going to keep giving us Poop......

Say "F" it! and learn to shout your story for everyone to hear. We all found out how quickly the world can change. Do not let another day go by where you hide from the world.

We need everyone out and spreading the good that happens and helping those who need a smile to make it through another hour.

Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you.


All photos are mine unless otherwise stated

Gif made by @Snook


I absolutly LOOVE this 😍
So much love and Great talent.
@brisby is such a beautiful person and I love her giggle and humor so much. You captured her well here and I have to say again Snook.
YOU KICK BUTT with your beautiful drawings 😊
Thank you for sharing and for being YOU 🤗😘❤️ Love You Bunches

🤗 Love you my sweet sister in hilarious naughtiness and I completely agree, @snook's art kicks serious bootie! 🥂

I am so happy you Love it!! That means she will too :D

and Brisby is beautiful!!

Thank you for the wonderful compliment.


Such a wonderful tribute to Brisby. You're getting so good at painting. What I see in your artwork perfectly embodies you.

And, yes, you need to figure out how to make the sparkles show up. Otherwise I'll have to drive out there and play with your scanner settings. 😁

Hope you have a great day!

Thank YOU and THANK YOU!!! :D

Is that a promise? LOLL

It is on my 'to do list"

" you need to figure out how to make the sparkles show up. Otherwise I'll have to drive out there and play with your scanner settings. 😁"
--- Ya know... that isn't an incentive for her to get them to show up. 😜

I love so many things about this. Big yes to @Brisby being amazing. The dress and artwork is beautiful, and it does indeed look like she could be a flower in a meadow.

As for your carpe diem speech, so much yes! Though sometimes I need to hide, to retreat and rest, it doesn't serve anyone to make ourselves smaller or refrain from doing things because we're afraid of what the world might think. Thanks for adding that bit in here. I needed to read it today. BIG LOVE!!!


Much love to you as well, you fantastically talented and incredible mama! 💖

As for your carpe diem speech, so much yes!

I needed it as much as you that day :D I think being creative we all love being alone in our heads a bit too much....there is recharging and then is a very fine line.

I am so happy it helped <3

and Yes, now we need to write an Olde' to @Brisby :D

I am very sure she will love that!!

Thank You so much about my art!! It really does mean the world to me

flying hug.gif
Wish I was close enough to run over and give you this in person!

I adore how branching out with your art, learning new tricks, and doing what you want to has given you happiness and I hope you are PROUD of how far you've come in such a short span of time. 💕

Not only did you unleash some serious talent in making such an incredible dress but you took the time to consider that I may want to hide in the bushes ready to pounce on someone! Hide and seek couture has NEVER been so stylish! 😍 (Woot for the bodacious 🦉🦉 too! 😉)

Atop of how completely gorgeous of a job you did with the gown and the hair and OMG the HUGE grin full of mischief, I can't get over your perfectly floofy fluffy squirrel!!! Even the eyes are the exact shade of a tasty delicious acorn! 😍

LOVE you! (I'm blushing hard enough that my purple fur is completely red now. 😂)

psst! Next block party...I'm bringing us some costumes! 😜

  1. Yes, I really am so happy I started finally drawing :D

  2. everyone needs to hide in a meadow once in their life!! It is a must!

  3. I heard you had good owls. The source was a well-known expert in Owls. I took their word :D

  4. I loved how the squirrel turned out. I was really proud of that too XoX

  1. just cut holes in a sheet for me LOLLL


  1. It is good to blush. Then you know you are alive :D

😆 owl expert 😉

Okay, I'll cut holes in a sheet for you and me. Then we can be like the couple from Beetlejuice.





I don't know Brisby but I'm more than willing to take your recommendation on her.

I DO know that I love the dress and the process that it took to get from a flower test to a finished portrait. I really like it.

I'm wondering if Sam will chase a purple squirrel. I'm guessing he will, he's not shown me a bit of bigotry :)

I've had the pleasure of chatting with you a bit in the Alliance castle. 😁 (For now, my name is 'elf-chuckles').

Having a round of chase with Sam would be fun. Most dogs like playing with purple squirrels because we know where all the best snacks are hidden. 😆

I am so happy you loved the process too!!

It was hard to remember to take photos. I need to rearrange my desk so I can film while I draw. It would make my life so much easier.

and Yes! Brisby is one of a kind!! and we Hodl her. :D

Oh, I miss @brisby so much! Just passing by to saying this... take care, ladies 😃

🤗 Miss you as well Marco. Happy 2021 to you, your Princess Sassy, and all your loved ones. May this year be a terrific one for you all! 💜

You remember my indomitable princess! We wholeheartedly reciprocate the wish, to you and your daughters, and to every living being is dear to you. May this year be one of the best for all of us!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year @marcoriccardi!!!

You are welcome to stop by any time. I hope you had a wonderful Holiday and 2020 didn't drive you batty.


Merry Xmas and a happier-than-2020 New Year to you too, @snook!
Last year has been tough, but we're still alive and kickin'...
I like that you are as kind as ever

I miss @brisby's posts. Seems to me she was one of the participants in that 50(?)-day selfie contest. I love the dress you created for her.

🤗 Thank you for that and yes I participated in the selfie contest, mine were of my squirrel puppet. 😁

Happy New Year to you Scribblingramma! 🍷

Oh yes! I remember the squirrel puppet now! Good to hear from you.

I miss her posting too. I think she did the selfie? think....not sure

Thank You so much for liking the dress!!

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