Friendship must have value, same with when you are dating a lady. The person should need You, Yes, but it goes both ways. That is why we talked about friendship being mutual. You should be able to be needed to each other because one way friendship isn't Friendship, we are all humans. You should be able to add value as much as you are receiving too.
Quality is not in appearance but in character. One important quality is dependability. When you know you can always depend on your friend. Humans have different qualities, so when one quality seems to be absent there are many others qualities in our friends that are present. If you really read through part one and two, You will understand this better. When our friend seem to loose his or her edge, it is our duty to remind them of their qualities and bring it back up. Friendship reminds, it helps, it nurtures. True friendship has no class barrier. Qualities are not in THINGS, but in character. If the character is real, it is hard to lose it but in case that friend does, fan it back into flame. That is when your friend need you the most.
Thanks bro