Image source: facebook
It has been so many years we know
At first it was all small and low
But then as time passed
Our friendship heldfast
It was then that our friendship turned up
Our "Hellow" changed to "what's up!"
Still remember the day i saw care in your eyes
That day our hearts bound the tie
Pleased we-both turned up and walked together
Like the birds of the same feather
Laughing hard, crying harder, still holding hands
Got together our two pieces of land
You always care for me
In your voice i can see
Even when you say harsh or scold
I can still sense your love, as i told
You help me out whenever i am stuck
Having a friend like you is my good luck
Never tired of my bad behaviour
Countless times, you have been my saviour
I want you now and forever my pal
Never disconnect our lovely call
Always be the same no matter what circumstances are
Because i love you for exactly what you are
Thank you for all the moments we've shared,
Moments filled with shared dreamer and wishes,
Secrets, laughter, and tears,and above all, friendship.
Each precious second will be treasured in my heart forever
Thank you for taking time,
Time to stop and take an interest in me;
Time to listen to my problems and help me
Find the solutions, and most of all
Time to smile at me and show you care.
Thank you for being you
You're wonderful person
You were there when i needed you
To confide in and to ask advice from.
Through you, i began to understand and then like myself,
How can i ever tell you how much
I care for you??
My Friend.....
Thanks for reading fellow steemians hope you like it.
FOLLOW, UP VOTE and RESTEEM @ferryaying
Wow! Ginalingan
ang2x para naay palit sapatos