Friendship Love Letter

in #friendship4 years ago

Sometimes, I wonder how introverts make friends. Then, I remember I am one myself, then I think of how I got my own friends.

Meeting by chance, due to circumstances or being introduced to one another... But today I'm glad to say, I've got the best set of friends ever.

I have the kind of friends who do not get angry at me when I don't check up on them for months (introverts and our low social energy🌚🌚).

I've got the kind of friends who are ready to go to the ends of the earth just to make me smile.

Most especially, I've got the kind of friends who just get me and my "special needs." You know those ones who just understand that, that is how she is and they no longer mind. The ones who even remind you of who you are and make your needs their priority? Yeah, those ones.

It's funny how I always feel I don't do enough to deserve the kind of friends I have, or even do enough to pay them back.

But I am absolutely glad I've got them by my side.

I know it's not world friendship day or anything like that. But, I just felt the need to celebrate friendship.
Do you ever feel this way?

If you do... Then join me in saying


Cheers to the ones who always have our backs.
Cheers to the ones who are always there when we are in need.
Cheers to the ones who would never stab our backs or say bad things about us when we are not around.
Cheers to the ones who understands that we do not have to always be strong around them.

And most especially, cheers to the ones who love us (especially us introverts) not because of what we can offer or because of how we look... But just because....♥️♥️