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RE: What is Friendship? The Naked Truth.

in #friendship7 years ago

Everyone today seems to think that’s someone you once said “hi” to or someone who accepted a friends request is now a “friend”. I never understood this way of thinking. True friendship takes a very long time. Something most people do not want to spend the time to do anymore.

I would consider quite a few people to be business relationships or business friendship. I think that is what a lot of people have. That’s at least how I view the Americanized friendship seems to be one of money and power. Makes no sense to me at all to call it just a normal friend.

I have a very small group of people I would consider a friend. We often times trade back and forth. One will have a really great week; the other not so much. We don’t have worry about how we phrase things around the other. No one gets angry and just storms off. Advise is given when ask but not forced on when not. We always hoping each other go beyond anything we have hoped for in life. When things don’t or go the other ways we know that’s just how it is from time to times.


that's real friendship. I have lived all over the world. In USA, there seems to be most superficial friends. In my area, though, people seem more geniune, real than in coasts. Midwestern people may not be the most advanced, but at least they are mostly honest. In Asia, I learned about humility.....there are huge lessons that Japan taught me. Sometimes I miss that level of humility....but America taught me to think for myself.

I have always said, "I have very few friends and many acquaintances". I agree that friendship is much more than 'knowing' someone and being on friendly terms with them.